Chapter 2 : Dawn Breaks On the Unyielding Fold Of Night

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While i have been writing this specific chapter, many things have been happening.

And I will only make it brief.
There is much that wears my mind down right now as I am writing this very chapter.

I want to make clear that, loss and worry are very common, and everyone should take the time they need for those.

And I encourage you as well, readers, to truly take the time to put yourself in retrospective and meditate on the current situations of your life.

It is an advice that I give out of, not only care, but empathy and sympathy.

With that said, We shall now head onto this chapter!

In the mindscape of a certain being.

In the security of his cryogenic bed, with nobody around and stuck in a state of sleep.

He was falling down, or at least, his mind was, in an endless void.

And not in a dramatic fashion, but he was wide wake and comprehensive of his situation.

Although he didn't know how he ended up in such darkness, he pondered thoroughly to reason of how and why is he falling down like such ?

The longer he fell, the less he could tell where he's actually falling and from which side he was falling from

He couldn't remember where was up and where was down

What was his left and what was his right.

What is good and what is bad.

But he limited himself too much on those dimensions in that time.

He didn't know there was a forward, a backward, an upside down or a straight and narrow to things.

Until he finally looked at his feet and could only make the floor forming far under him.

A very dim light cast on that very ground.

And as he braced himself for a violent landing, he was baffled that everything slowed down.

He peeked out of his arms, slowly decomposing the balled up position he took to amortize his fall.

He hesitantly grazes the ground beneath him, pulling his leg back in his balled up position.

A moment later and he sets his whole foot down, fearful that something would grab him by it.

Nothing happened though, and that allowed him to set his other foot on the ground and feel the floor beneath him.

It was cold, and dark. And as he looked up, he came to the realization that, the light that allowed him to see the ground, had no source.

Nothing above him, even the slightest bit of light, was emitting anything to let him see around him.

As he kept looking around, he felt the ground between him crackle with each step.

And looking behind him, he sees a wave of shattered glass rising up like a tsunami. With that very wave completely headed towards him.

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