Chapter 6

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I can see she's really shocked when I mentioned Connor's name. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped the second I finished talking. Why is she so shocked anyway?

"What-the-actual-fuck." She said with pauses after every word.

I shrugged and somehow laughed at the same time. "Why are you so surprised by this?"  I asked.

She then held my shoulder and shook it a bit. "You're actually going out with Connor McDonough? THE Connor McDonough" she asked, still with her hands on my shoulder.

I shook my head and giggled. "Well, I’m not really sure if we’re dating or anything. We're great friends. I mean, we hang out all the time. We go to school and home together, hang out during breaks. He's my neighbor. But that's it." I said, and we both continued walking nearer to the front door of the cafeteria.

She shook her head, maybe confused of the idea. "But you two didn't go out or anything yet? I mean, he didn't ask you out on an official date yet?” she asked.

"No, not yet. But we're going to have dinner together later. But we'll be with his other band mates." I said, pausing because I already caught a glimpse of Connor. And, he's with Kristin. I gasp and took a step back before they see me.

Ana seem to notice that I don't want to be seen so she looked to find who I was hiding at. I guess she already saw Connor and Kristin together because she moved to my side. We’re both leaning on a wall now.

"Did you know that they've been going out lately?" She asked, looking directly at me now.

My heart dropped. Is she saying the truth? Are they really dating? Now I’m the one who’s confused. I took a deep sigh and looked down. "Really?" I replied.

"Well, that's what Kristin's been telling everyone. I mean, it's really noticeable because Kristin is always with Connor. But I might say, lately they haven't been together a lot, maybe because Connor's been with you lately." She said, nudging my elbows. It may seem interesting to her, you know, what's happening to us but to me it's really hurtful. I mean, why didn't Connor tell me all about this?

I can feel tears forming in my eyes. "Oh my gosh, Mia are you okay? I'm really sorry for telling you these things."

I wiped my eyes. I don't want anyone to see me like this. "It's alright. I'm happy you told me. I have to know someday right?"

Well, she actually has no idea how this is bothering me now. I will admit that I kind of expected something from Connor, especially because he kept on showing signs that he wants me too. But now, I really don’t know. I don’t know what’s the truth, is she really going out with Kristin or what? Wow, I really have this urge to talk to him right now and ask about everything but of course, I don’t want to and I obviously can’t. He’s currently with Kristin which makes it harder for me to even approach him. Maybe I’ll just ask him some other time, which is hopefully soon.

I can feel that Ana is a bit bothered for telling me this because she can see how affected I am. But just like I said to her, I am happy she told me so at least I have an idea. But I kind of hoped that Connor will be the one to tell me. But of course, somehow he can’t. I’m sure that if he had the chance to, he will.

Ana looked at me with pity in her eyes. "But, I don't guarantee that they're really going out. It's just what Kristin's been telling everyone. We don't really know Connor's side. Besides, I myself haven't seen them out yet. I only see them in school. So maybe they're not really dating. Come on Mia. Brighten up." Ana said, with a smile on her face now.

I appreciate her for being caring towards me but I really don't know what to believe anymore. Now I’m thinking that maybe I should straight things out with Connor. Is now a good time? I peeked again and see Connor still talking with Kristin. So maybe, now is not yet the time.

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