He moved one of his hands from her waist and held her chin with it, he ran his thumb over her honey lips, smearing the red lipstick off them, she was forced to look at his beautiful blue eyes, they were like the sky itself but the cloudy one not the clear one,, Your eyes are so pretty, like the restless ocean that I could drown in" Tom smiled but not evilly but sweetly.,, You're drunk miss Alas" She continued looking at him while speaking ,, I love when you call me miss Alas" He tucked a strand of hair that was falling over her face behind her ear,, Is that so miss Alas?" She looked down blushing and then moved from his arms standing by the fence it was a full moon tonight and the stairs were perfectly painted over the sky. He stood next to her observing her expression, she was lost completely and she'll hardly remember this in the morning.

,, Let's take you to your dorm it's cold" He carried her in his arms all the way to the dungeons, she gave him a little wave and entered the Slytherin common room. He stood there making sure she was safe, he found himself worrying, he felt his heart drop when she slipped down those stairs, he was scared she would get hurt or worse, he never felt something like it. He only ever cared about himself and no one else but how can a girl change that, he might even think he admires her. But that is true, he just doesn't want to admit it, it's a weakness to care for someone. He wanted to kiss her now, to hold her, to pull her on top of him, to touch her. He wanted to know every breath she takes, to know where and with who she is. She was in his head for days now, her smile that charms everyone, her dark eyes and her kind heart attracted his cruel one. He couldn't even escape her in his dreams, he wants her to be his and to rule the world with him and Tom always gets what he wants.

She woke up with an awful headache, she rolled around her bed for 20 minutes before getting the strength to get up she was thinking about last night, she drank a lot and her memories are foggy, she remembers going to Astronomy tower and there was Riddle, they .... Talked? She guessed, everything was blurry, her head was killing her even more when she tried to remember, Violet looked at her reflection in the mirror and got a mini heart attack, her mascara was smudged all over her face and her hair was shaggy and tangled. She casually took a look at her clock and saw that she slept in and missing Potions and Charms and will be late to Divination if she doesn't leave the door well now. She threw clothes around the room looking for her robes, she found her skirt and shirt but her blazer was nowhere to be found. 

She ran out while still tying her tie, who had the idea to put that damn class on the other side of Hogwarts, the bell rang and she came through the door ,, I'm sorry for being late" She was out of breath and took her seat next to Eve ,, It's alright take a seat" She took her books out and saw a cup of tea on her table, on everyone's table actually, she remembers this from her 3rd year. Professor Bashiri wrote Tessomancy on the old chalkboard, she was a middle aged kind woman, she always wore a Turban on her head and had long black hair, she liked her.,, You already done this so I'll observe mostly but if someone can't read their cup, please ask me" Student slowly drank their tea and waited to find out their predictions.

 Oliver raised his hand ,, Professor can you read my cup?" Bashiri looked closely at the cup which she held in hand ,, I see the club here, someone will attack you, someone you don't like but you won't expect it and I see..... death" As she said the last word the whole room went quiet, Oliver's eyes were wide open now, he was clearly upset,, What about mine" asked Theo ,, Hmm, you're going to be powerful but you'll chose a wrong path and it'll come up to you with time" Theo only cared about the first part of the sentence, he craved power and the given fortune pleased him, he was good at heart but he was still a Nott arrogant and selfish, full of himself, he reminded her of Tom a little, she shyly raised her hand ,, And mine professor?"

,,I see danger in your path, you'll lose a lot of people you care about because of the one you love the most, he'll be your death" Violet was confused, whom does she love the most? Did she mean Julius? He will do so, he's a murderer after all, she has to talk to him but not over the letter, face to face. ,, Hey, where did you go at the party? We got sick out of worry" Eve interrupted her thoughts,, I went for a walk, I wasn't feeling so well" Eve smiled , Well if I drank that much I would be on the floor, it's a miracle you were able to walk straight" Violet also smiled ,, Well me and alcohol are friends" Eve was looking rather put together unlike her, Eve's hair was perfectly right, she had her makeup on and was dressed nicely, well at least one of them didn't overdose on Vodka.

 Thankfully she didn't have DADA today so she just had to avoid Riddle in the hallways, that won't be so hard, she was a hallway away from the dungeons but she remembered she was like a magnet for that man. His tall figure was recognizable among the short kids, along with his long coat and curls, he was headed her way , he carried himself so confidently she was stunned, he was so elegant, he saw her standing in the middle of the hallways and smiled and her, she returned the smile and she saw his lips beginning to move as to call her so she just turned around going to the opposite direction of her dorm and him, she quickened her pace and escaped his wraith. She toured the whole building just to avoid professor Riddle and it worked she safely made it to her dorm. She sat at her table and took a piece of parchment, dipping her quill in ink and writing

Dear Julius I here ask you... No no and no, she took the paper and crumpled it up, she never addresses him like that, Hey Julius would you... not good, again she ripped the paper. Okay she can do this

Julius I really need to talk to you, can we meet on Sunday at Three broomsticks.


It's fine really, short and understandable, she gave it to her owl Fidel, he flew out the window with the letter in his beak, only his black feathers were seen from a far. She has to talk to Julius, it's now or never. September was passing quickly and she felt that winter will bring more than just cold weather and snow. It will bring something bad. 

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