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Raphaëlle Pereira had always wanted a car, a red car. Her brother had always told her that they were faster, that they could outrun all the other cars, that they could even fly. She was only a child when she was told all this, which is probably why she believed him the first time. Now she knew that cars didn't fly. But that hadn't stopped her from buying her first car in red. It was an old car, now rotting in a scrapyard after having ended up in a ditch a few years ago. Her car wasn't red any more, in fact she didn't even have a car any more, and that's why every time she passed that shop she couldn't help looking in the window and envying each of those pretty vehicles with the famous horse on the front. And they were famous for their colour, which Raphaëlle loved so much.

Raphaëlle loved it. Red was synonymous with danger and excitement. For her, red meant speed. But beyond the brutality of this bloody colour, it evoked passion, desire and everything that made people come alive. What she probably missed was feeling alive, perhaps even incomplete.

Who knows, maybe what she was missing was a red car?

RED CARS | charles leclerc (eng)Where stories live. Discover now