The Night of Nights (HSM REF!!)

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This was really happening, me and my friends had made a silly band and now, here we are, our debut gig. I was really excited, I had invited Heath and her boyfriend, Alejandro, and I'm sure Trent had mentioned invited a guy called "Owen" or something.

We were called into the place for 4, so we all met up and had a small lunch together before having a quick run through of the set list.

"Guys, could we maybe do this song I've been working on? I can quickly teach you it, it's really easy.." I ask, hoping they say yes, this song meant a lot to me and it would be cool to play it in front of an audience.

"Sure Codes, what's it called?" Trent smiles, nodding his head at me.

"I was thinking of naming it Mirrorball, it's kinda different to our other songs though, i wrote it on some past experiences with an old friend" I awkwardly smile

Trent nods, before looking at Harold and Justin, "I think we should try it, do it just before the finale?" I smile "sure!"

After running over my new song we added it to the set list and headed to the small venue.

We arrived and immediately started setting up all of our kit. I helped Harold bring his drum kit in while Trent and Justin got the guitar stands for me and Trent.

We looked at our set up before Trent quickly pulled a tiny marker out of his pocket and got us to sign our instruments and the front of Harold's drum kit where our logo sat "The Drama Brothers"

Above the set we had a small banner that said "The Drama Brother's : Here, Before, and After Me Tour" I smile

"It looks so good, I can't wait for there to be actual people watching us!!"
"It's gonna be a real shock to the system" Trent laughed and nodded along with Harold and Justin.

It finally got to half six and I could hear a slight chatter from the dressing room as people started to enter. I smile and open my phone to see a few messages from Heath and Alejandro.


Good luck Cody💕

Thanks Heath, love you!!

Love you too


Good luck little guy

Thanks al

Don't call me Al!!

My show my rules 🥰

I smile and put my phone down and make sure everything is perfect as the time finally hits seven.

We enter the stage and everyone starts cheering, I slightly wave and head over to my Keytar in the corner, picking it up and pulling the strap over my head.

We did a quick test of our instruments before starting our set.

Most of the start of our set went well so far we had performed

"Soldier, Poet, King"
"Best Song Ever"
"Night Changes"
"Welcome to New York"
"Backyard Boy"
"Teenage Dirtbag"
"Cooler Than Me"

Then it was the last song before Mirrorball, we were singing "History" when I noticed someone familiar at the front of the crowd.

The person I wrote Mirrorball for.
Noah Sterecra.

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