convince me, you can't(can)

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I was sitting in my room, reading a book when I hear my phone pinging, I pick it up to see a few messages from my friends. They were talking about going to a small concert because Owen had been given tickets on behalf of one of the members going to our college.

"Team E-Scope : Project Group"

Owen : guys! I've been invited by a friend to his small gig in town! He's in a band called "The Drama Brothers" apparently they're quite good!

Izzy : OMG! I know some of the members,  Harold and Cody they both major music and computer science!

Noah(YOU) : Cody? Cody Anderson?

Izzy : yeah you know him Noah?

Noah(YOU) : used to we went to middle school together haven't seen him since then though🤷‍♀️

Owen : well, he gave me 4 tickets we could all go!!

Izzy : me and Eva will be there !!!! :D

Eva : we will?


Eva : ok, I guess we're going, are you Noah?

Noah(YOU) : don't think so, musics not really my thing

Owen : don't have to tell us twice

Noah(YOU) : you can TRY convince me I suppose?

Owen : night out in town with your buddies!

Izzy : Fun, singing, getting a bit tipsy??

Eva : keeping Izzy sane? 

Noah(YOU) : not convinced..

Owen : seeing a middle school buddy again?

I look at my phone, staring down at Owen's message, thinking how to reply. When me and Cody last spoke it didn't end too well, it ended with an argument which caused him to move to a different high school than the one I was going to. Which, the argument was not my fault, it was pathetic but, everyone's gonna have their own issues.

Noah(YOU) : it's one of the most awkward things you could ever do!

Izzy : well how are we supposed to convince you!

Eva : we'll get you books if you come?

Noah(YOU) : I'll be there, when is it Owen?

Owen : Tomorrow at 7, doors open at like half 6 though, I wanna get a good spot !!

Izzy : SAME!!

Owen : I heard one of the members is really good looking, maybe you can chat him up @/noah

Noah(YOU) : I'm not dating a band-boy just because he looks good, that's probably the only reason he's in the band!

Owen : aw damn!

Eva : Ok, shut up now

*everyone goes offline*

I can't believe I've landed myself a ticket to go see the one person I never thought I'd have to deal with in my life again. Cody Anderson. Sure I feel bad for the boy, but he obviously is fine now and doesn't care about a petty argument or a stupid middle school friend. Which is just how I feel about his stupid band and their stupid little gig.

Ok, I admit, I had the tiniest crush on Cody back then, but it's obviously gone now, I haven't even thought about him until he was mentioned.

I pick my book back up and start reading it again, only to put it back down, quickly pick up my phone and start scrolling through an old folder called "C&N💐" it was filled of silly pictures of me and Cody.

A picture of us on a walk with my dog, Nia, smiling.. holding hands.
Another of us at his house watching Adventure Time  with his cats, Marceline, a black cat, and a tiny white cat, Bubblegum.
The next was a series of videos of us listening to Taylor Swift's first album : Taylor Swift. The priceless reactions were so worth all the memories

I smile, putting my phone down and finally getting ready to go to bed.

God, tomorrow is going to be a train wreck and a half.

621 words!
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed
they r so silly
Pls tell me what else you would want to see in this story !! (Or others)

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