Chapter 3

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"Claire! Wait!" He called out and grabbed her wrist to stop her. She didn't turn to look at him, only looking forwards as she was waiting for him to let go in order to leave. He scoffed at her reaction.

"Ha... are you still mad?" a look of derision and condescension appeared on his face. His expression was one of mock surprise, as though he didn't believe what he was seeing. He gave a dismissive scoff, a slight turn upwards of his lip and a quick, dismissive head shake as though he was above it all.

"..." She didn't answer and kept her mouth shut, still refusing to turn around and face him. As a response he tightened his grip on her wrist, making it hurt.

"You are overreacting, Claire. Didn't I tell you I love you?!"

His grip suddenly softened and almost let go, he waited patiently for her to answer him back. But despite him reminding his feelings towards her, she still didn't respond. The prince hated it when things didn't go as planned or in the way he wishes, however... he knew exactly how to play her.

He tenderly placed his hand under her chin, forcing her to turn towards him. He smiled as he could see her beautiful face again. In some weird way, he actually thought it was cute that she was mad at him. Her lips pouted and looked up at him with so much sadness and anger. His hand gently caressed her cheek as his face got closer to hers.

"I am sorry, my love... how could I ever do such a thing to you? I love you, you know that?" He whispered with a quiet voice in her ears. His words were dipped in sweetness, the tone and how his voice became so much more tender made her feel somehow safe. It didn't matter anymore what he had done a couple hours ago.

'how can I ever stay angry at him when he is acting so lovingly?'

He lowered his head and kissed her neck and went down to her collarbone, his kisses were very light and almost ticklish... in between his kisses he would keep telling her how much he loved her.



Her maid snapped her out of her thoughts as Claire was standing in front of her mirror all dressed up. It seemed like she had done her job perfectly.

Just like she had asked her, she looked more perfect than ever. Her make up was done in a way that it didn't look like she was wearing some but still made her look radiant. The dress she wore was made out of a satin in a light pink color, it had many ruffles, laces, bows and embroidery. Her hair was put up and had a cute bow in it.

"Thank you, Mary!" She smiled kindly, and was about to head out.


Claire stopped and turned back to look at her, still having a smile on her face.


"His grace wishes to have you at dinner"

Upon hearing her maid's words, her lips slightly parted with a subtle frown etched on her face. 'My father wishes to invite me to dinner with him?' This would be the first time in 14 years that he would actually want to spend time with her. It didn't make sense... nonetheless they were practically strangers that only shared the same blood and last name.

"I see... if my father wishes to see me, then I have no reason to refuse."

The maid smiled in relief and walked over to Claire as if she was proud of her, after all she had practically seen her grow up the moment she was born. The young lady was like a daughter to her, not that she was claiming to be her mother because that would only be considered rude to the late duchess. In the very least you could say that her love for her lady was as deep as a mother's love for its child.

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