Chapter 37

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Y/n is walking through the ruins of the town that was previously attacked by fallen angels he glances around at the rubble piles of burnt buildings and many charred corpses lying beneath the debree. He then stops and sniffs before turning his head towards a small makeshift shelter made out of charred wood and debree. Beneath it sat a young girl holding a burnt teddy bear.

Y/n/mind: 'It's been days since this place was attacked...she looks so thin and frail but...she's one of them a devil.'

Y/n extends his claws and slowly walks towards the girl with a menacing look on his face. He steps infront of her with his shadow looming over her. The girls eyes are glassy and gray with her dark brown hair being disheveled and messy. The rest of her clothes are tattered and filthy with soot and ashes. Yet the girl looks up at Y/n with a blank look on her face and the grip on her teddy tightens. Y/n readies his claws to strike down the little devil.

???: "Mommy is that you?"

The little girl says causing Y/n to hesitate for a small moment before he slashes at the little girl. She is struck in the shoulder with blood spraying the ground and with a scream she hits the floor.

???: "P-please...please don't hurt me...they already took my mommy and daddy! They already burned my eyes! They took everything from me!"

The girl cries out between sobs when Y/n slams his boot down on the girls back pinning her down.

Y/n: "I don't give a rats ass if you got hurt your a devil you deserve to die."

Y/n grabs the little girl by the throat and lifts her above the ground with a tight grip. She gasps for air while helplessly jerking in his grasp. Then she wets herself as her fluids pour on the ground below her feet.

Y/n: "Blegh! you just pissed yourself you little brat."

???: "Hhrrk...I want to go home...mommy...I want to go home."

Suddenly the cold expression on Y/n's face turns to one of surprise his grip on the little girl loosens and she falls on the ground coughing and gasping.

Y/n/mind: ' I even have a home? Mother...I lost my mother...just like her. What am I doing? She's going through the same thing I did and here I am being the devil in her life.'

Y/n stares down at the little girl who is frantically glancing around in fear he then sighs heavily and then gently pulls her into a hug.

Y/n: "I'm sorry little didn't deserve that."

The little girl starts crying against Y/n's chest as he holds her in his embrace.

???: "I want to go home...I want to see mommy and daddy again!"

Y/n gently pats the little girls head and attempts to comfort her as she cries into his clothes. Moments later the sound of flapping wings stuns the girl into silence and she starts trembling. Three fallen angels clad in suits of thick metal armor land behind Y/n holding light spears.

???: "Hey big guy hand over the kid or else."

Y/n glances over his shoulder with a fierce glare before he dashes forward with incredible speed and slashes his claws through one of the three fallen angels bodies cutting him in half with a spray of red blood. The other two rush at him with their weapons but he ducks under the first blow, side steps the second one and then grabs hold of the fallen angels arms. He redirects them towards each other forcing them to impale one and other with their spears. Staring down at the corpses for a moment he then walks over to the girl and picks her up.

Y/n/mind: 'Something big is going on here...something bad...I need to stop it. I'll take this little rascal to an orphanage and plan my next move from there.'

???: "P-Please don't leave me...I haven't hugged anyone in days."

For a moment Y/n is surprised and glances down at the little girl in worry before he shakes his head and flies away with her in his arms.


Back on earth the Gremmory peerage members are each sparring with one and other except for Asia and Gasper. Xenovia and Kiba are fighting one and other with their swords, Issei and Koneko are sparring with their fists and Akeno is fighting Rias with magic.

Issei: "Gah!"

Issei exclaims when Koneko knocks him to the ground with an uppercut and he slowly gets back up and starts throwing punching at her. Each member of the Gremmory peerage is dripping with sweat.

???: "Bring her down!"

A voice demands within Rias's mind compelling her to shoot a bolt of magic energy at Akeno which pierces her shoulder.

Akeno: "AGH!"

Akeno screams and falls down on the ground Rias's eyes widen in surprise and she rushes over to Akeno.

Rias: "Akeno I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that!"

Akeno: "Hrrnn...I would be enjoying the pain right now but it's simply too much."

Rias: "Asia quickly Akeno needs help!"

Asia rushes over to the two devils and uses her healing sacred gear on Akeno easily mending the wound.

Rias: "I'm glad your alright."

Akeno: "Yup good as new."

As the hours pass the Gremmory peerage eventually settles down and have dinner at a table in the club house. Rias however is in the bedroom smothering her face in the pillow.

Rias/mind: 'Get out of my head...get out of my head!'

???: "Hahaha you can't resist me forever soon you'll become my little puppet."

A knocking at the door interrupts the thought conversation and Rias hesitantly walks over to open. She finds Issei standing infront of her with a plate of food in his hand.

Issei: "Sorry to disturb you I brought you some food in case you were hungry."

Rias forms a smile on her face and kindly takes the plate.

Rias: "Awe look at you all caring and such bye now."

Shutting the door Rias sighs while Issei is left standing there in a confused silence.

Issei/mind: 'She's been acting weird lately I hope she's alright.'

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