Fresh Air.

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Melony woke up screaming in the middle of the night. She had the nightmare again. It was the one where she had to kill her best friend Axol. If Melony didn't kill him then she and, all of her friends would've died.

Thinking about it made her start to cry. Tears started to stream down her face as though they her eyes had become waterfalls. She was falling apart at the seams.

She remembered what Meggy once told her "Whenever I start to get sad I like to go for a walk and, get some fresh air it really helps to clear your mind."
Melony decided to see if what Meggy had told her was true.

Melony started fighting her bed. The comfort of the soft pink sheets and, the warmth of the big pink blanket held a monstrous grip on her.

But she was determined to get out of the bed though. She wrestled her way through the cover and, managed to toss
it off of herself.

Melody had started to calm down a bit but, only enough to stop crying.

First she put the pillows back against the wall in a nice neat row. Then she flattened out the sheet. Lastly she put the big cover back in its place.
Then Melony stood up straight and, admired her work for a minute. All of a sudden the bed seemed to call out to her. Wanting Melony to just give up on her quest to get some fresh air and, just go back to sleep.

Melony confidently turned around determined not to fall for the beds trap. She then walked out of her room.

"Meggy? Mario? SMG4?" Melony painfully cried out for her friends but, all she got in response was silence.

It seemed she was all alone. She started crying again and instinctively ran towards the front door of the castle.
She pushed the door open then slammed it shut once she was outside. She was running so fast that she was halfway between the woods and, the front door of the castle by the time the doors closed.

She kept running towards the woods. She couldn't see where she was going because of all the tears.
Then she tripped over a log laying flat on its side. She managed to use the log to pull herself up despite the pain from the fall.

She decided to sit on the log. As she sat down she found it was really quite comfortable. She looked up and, got lost in the huge black star filled sky. As she kept looking at it she decided that now was the best time to reflect.
To collect her thoughts and, try to get over what she did to her best friend Axol.

She went back to the start of it all. She remembers how Axol got possessed and, lost control of himself. How he became a giant powerful monster and, how she stabbed it in the eye. Then she was inside the monster.

Melony remembered how Axol was impaled on numerous red spikes trapping him to the floor. How she tried desperately to free him.

Then she remembered how Axol told her "It's no use you can't save me"
Melony said "No I can save there's still time" but, in the end she had to kill him. She had to kill Axol.

Remembering this makes her start to cry again. She remembers how she almost died once. How she meant Axol on the stairs to the afterlife.
"You need to be strong Melony. Strong not just for me. Not just for yourself. But for your friends as well." Axol told her.

Upon remembering this Myelonys crying starts to let up. Melony thinks to herself I have to be strong. I can't let this keep me down. She continued thinking. If I can't get strong enough to hold back my sadness how will I ever be strong enough to defend my friends?

Melony stops crying. She starts to smile seemingly having finally gotten over what happened.

Buzz buzz buzz. Her phone goes off in her pocket. She pulls her phone out and turns it on. She sees that she had a missed call and, some text. All of them were from Meggy. Melony starts reading the messages.

The first one from Meggy reads "Hey Melony are you ok? I thought I heard you scream." The next one also from Meggy read "I just checked in your room and, you weren't there. I'm starting to get worried about you Melony." Melony glanced in a somewhat defeated way towards the last message from Meggy "Melony if you're reading this please call me I'm worried about you. It's not like you just disappear. I know you miss Axol but, please I understand what you're going through. Please wherever you are don't do anything crazy. I know I haven't always been there but, that was because I had things I had to take care of. You still have friends. Just because Axol is dead doesn't mean you need to join him. Please Melony don't do it. Me and, the others want to help you. I should have done this sooner. If anything happens to you. I don't know what I'll do. But I do know this. I'll feel like it's my fault. Just call me when you can."

Melony starts to feel bad. She realizes that everyone is probably worried sick about her. They all probably think she's already dead. Melony decides to call Meggy. She hastily puts in Meggy's number. Melony got it wrong. She tries again and, this time gets it right. She hits the call button. The phone mockingly rings. Then it hangs up. That's when Melony realized she has no cell service. With all her energy Melony starts running towards the castle. Hoping to get there before her friends send people out to look for her. She wishes she had left a note before she left.

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