Draco Malfoy

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- He secretly thinks the weasely twins are kinda funny

- He makes fun of his friends for liking weak coffee when he actually loves pumpkin spice lattes

- Is super secretive to everyone but you. When he has gossip, he SPILLS it. 

- He has an emotional support teddy bear that he's had since he was little that one of his house elves gave him.

- Always has really cold hands so he'll sometimes teasingly stick them up your shirt and grab your tits.

- Everyone knows this but he is super talented at drawing and when he likes someone, he'll draw them, A LOT.  Like sketching them in class and stuff. 

- He genuinely liked dobby when he still worked for the Malfoys.

- He's scared of big storms and dark, small spaces. (His dad used to sometimes lock him in a closet if he misbehaved.)

- Still calls his parents mummy and daddy

- Has an EXTENSIVE skin care routine. He takes longer than you in the shower/ bathroom.

- He loves doing your skin care for you. Might also give you a face massage if you were good.

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