Standing Next to You

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Even though he is doing work, or maybe he doesn't even know what he is doing nowadays but he just knows some times he is not even there.

He knows a part of him is wilting inside and he doesn't have the energy to save it.
He feels like a ghost, a empty hollow shell of human.

After leaving Seoul he quickly went to Rome & asked Yasmeen to contact Hoseok to meet him there.
And it was least to say that his hyung was furious.

"What did you fucking do?????" Hoseok yelled furiously.

Jimin flinched for a second then calmed down,
"I did what I need to." He spoke without any tinge of emotions but his voice was gravely low.

"You don't need to do any thing like this." Hoseok gritted out, "We can work-"

"We can't & you fucking know it." It was Jimin yelling again, after he did that with Yoongi.
Jimin's outburst was very out of his character and everyone flinched.

"We can't, Hyung." He whispered this time, but maybe mostly to himself.


"I did what I need to. And now I just want you to help me in what I am going to do!"

Jimin really didn't have the energy to go through another resistance now.

If needed he will run away from Hoseok too.
He can do this fucking alone. He doesn't need anyone.

To be true to himself, Jimin is burning in a rage.
A rage that doesn't have a reason, a rage that doesn't belong to someone.
He is burning.

"Jimin don't tell me you are planning to...."

"Yes....." Jimin spoke even before Hoseok finished talking.

For days after that, Jimin knew well, it's not just a revenge.

It's him running away, pushing everyone and everything away. But it feels good. It hurts but also feels good.

The revenge is the only thing he know and that's his survival. He wasn't born to have a normal life. It eats him up everyday, every fucking day. He is a monster.
A bad blood.
He was born to be burned and that's what he seeks.

But still it hurts. But he can't complain. He did everything himself. He doesn't want his bad blood touch his loved ones. He doesn't want them to burn in his own rage, own hunger or revenge. It's his own.
They doesn't deserve this.
He doesn't deserve them.

"Jimin are you okay!???" Jimin was caught off guard hearing those words. It was after weeks he came from Seoul.
Hoseok was looking at him with sympathy. He has seen the same look in Yasmeen's eyes too.

"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah I am." He stuttered.

"You don't look like you are."

And when Hoseok hugged him, he felt his insides are crashing again.
He can't allow himself to feel this way.
He can't.

But he would be lying if he speaks that the information of Yoongi moving on didn't stung him.
It did.

He knows maybe it's a rumour, maybe just what people made up. People just likes to talk shit and made up stuffs.

He knows cause he can't allow himself to believe anything else.
If he does, he doesn't know what he will do.

But what has hurt him is the fall out between Yoongi and Jungkook. Jimin asked him to look after the younger. He can't leave Jungkook in that ticking bomb.
No, Yoongi surely will take care of it.
He is not selfish. He loves Jungkook.

The Dark Pheonix Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant