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Arizona POV

I take a deep breath and slowly raise my hand to knock the door infront of me. It's late, I am exhausted and starving. I look down at my daughter Sofia whose feelings are very different from my own. She has been excited for weeks to visit Callie and is bouncing around like a little puppy. I am, as ever, anxious to see my ex wife. We had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in our relationship which ended over 2 years ago but I still get nervous every time I am in her presence.

"Mama" Sofia's excited screams pull me from my thoughts as I stand in front of the woman who was once the love of my life.

I take a deep breath and smile, just two days, I remind myself.


Let me go back a little and introduce myself. I am Dr Arizona Robbins and I am head of both Fetal and Paediatric surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle. It was at this hospital I met my now ex wife Calliope Torres, a badass Orthopaedic surgeon with a smile as bright as the sun. While life here hasn't always been easy, some of my favourite memories are here so when Callie moved to New York two years ago, I stayed here with our daughter. In recent months Sofia has asked more questions about mine and Callie's relationship and mostly why we live at opposite ends of the county.

Because mama loves her new girlfriend more than us.

While I couldn't say that to Sofia, that's how it felt to me. Mine and Callie's relationship ended quite bitterly but we have spent the last 2 years rebuilding our relationship for Sofia and we co-parent well. I would never bad mouth Callie to Sofia or let Sofia resent Callie for leaving. I always wanted her to be proud of the work her moms had done.

I always tell her that sometimes, as doctors, we get opportunities to help people, like when I completed my fellowship in fetal surgery and had the privilege of saving even tinier humans, I told her how Callie had the opportunity to work in a specialised hospital for war veterans and build prostethic limbs and that she was helping people who needed it most.

Ever since my marriage separated, I always wanted Sofia to know how loved she was, it was my number one priority. While I loved my job I made sure that my daughter came first, I never missed a parent day at school, I would always make her lunch and do her hair. I know she missed Callie being around to do these things and often asked when mama was coming home.

As she started school she noticed that most of her friends had two parents attending school events, two parents at parties but most of all, they had two parents at home but even more so in the last few months. As it's the last week of school, Sofia's school are hosting a parents breakfast and is displaying their work from the year. Sofia was still little to understand that a 5hr 20 minute flight was too far for a school parent breakfast.

"Does mama not love me anymore?", I froze at Sofia's words.
"What, no, of course she loves you, why would you think that?" I replied, still shocked and confused by the question.
"She misses all the important things" ,
knowing there was nothing I could say to make this better, I pulled her into the tightest hug. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away before cupping my daughter's face with my hands.
"Mama loves you more than anything in the entire world, and I know that if she lived here she would come".
I had done everything to make my daughter feel loved. I felt like I had failed, I wished more than anything I could fix this and make Callie move back to Seattle. Until 3 words broke my thoughts "but she doesn't". My heart broke as I watched Sofia walk to her room.

I had to call Callie. We very rarely spoke on the phone, when she would ring it would be to speak to Sofia. We both had busy schedules so we found that texting worked better.

"Hello", her voice, it's intoxicating
"Arizona... is everything ok", I realised I hadn't spoken.
"Hi, yeah" , I knew I needed to tell Callie but I didn't want to hurt her. Yes she had hurt me in the past but I had also hurt her. She was a good mom,
"we need to speak about Sofia, is now a good time?"

We talked, we cried, we laughter. I looked at it clock and it was almost midnight. We had been talking for hours.

"Arizona", I responded with a hum, tiredness consuming me. "Thank you for telling me, for giving me a chance to make it right"

There was a brief pause, almost a tension. We both waited for the other to speak but there was nothing left to say.

"Goodnight Callie", "Goodnight Arizona".


My daughter was young but clever, of course she was clever she was created and raised by doctors who are county wide for being the best in their fields but I sometimes forget how little she really is, because she's like a little grown up.

Recently she has had a sad look in her eyes "hey it's your last day of school today, are you excited for summer break?" I ask in my best efforts to cheer her up.
"I guess" she stares into her breakfast.
"Only two more days and we will be getting on a plane to see mama and you get to spend a whole month with her" this made her smile momentarily.
"I know", she said, "but going on vacation means I have to come back home". While her words stung, I knew she didn't mean to hurt me, she just missed her mama and it broke my heart that I couldn't fix that.

I knew this summer would be important for Sofia but I did worry that she may not want to come home. She may love loving with Callie and Penny, and not want to come back to me. She needed time with her mama, they had to bond and make memories, I just hope it's everything Sofia has built it to be in her little head. She has so many plans for them and I worry her little hearts going to get broken.


And that brings us back to the beginning of our story. Earlier today, Sofia and I boarded the plane from Seattle to New York so Sofia could spend a month this summer with her mama. I am hoping that I don't have to spend much time with Callie this weekend, but I guess time will tell.

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