Bell in the night

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Back at the hut Saifah and Phayu return just as the sun is beginning to set. Phayu pads into the hut while his mother and Saifah wait outside. Phayu likes privacy during the transformation. A few minutes later the eleven-year-old emerges, wearing pants that match Saifahs and pulling on a roughly woven shirt.

His mother sits down on the porch step and pats the seat beside her.

“You found Rain in the forest?” She asks Phayu.

“He was sleeping, and I felt drawn to him.” Phayu says.

She takes his wrist and gently traces the mark there. Phayu had been born with it and it is shaped like a cat. It is identical to the mark that had been on Rain’s wrist.

“I believe that Rain could be your soul mate. Do you understand what that means, son?” Mae says.

“He could be the one to break the curse when we are adults.” Phayu asks?

“Yes that, but it means so much more. Rain is your other half and could be your lifelong companion. The two of you might one day be closer than brothers.” She glances at Saifah. “It also means that Rain is in danger. You and Saifah can’t be harmed, it was part of the agreement when we left. However, if her family finds out about Rain they will try to use him to hurt us. We can protect him while he is in the forest but Rain can’t live here. He will need to return to the village every night.”

“I will protect him.” Phayu says.

“I will help,” Saifah says.

“Good boys, just be careful and remind Rain to be careful as well.” Their mother tells them.

“We will, mae.” the boys say in unison.

“Let’s go get dinner ready then my boys can read until bedtime, okay?” Their mother says.

“Okay,” they both say happily. Reading is one of their greatest pleasures.

After that day Rain spent most of his days in the forest. Saifah begins teaching him how to read and write, something most of the children of the village don’t bother with. The three of them also play games of chase and tag. Phayu with his lithe cat form and powerful muscles easily win most of these games at first but Rain becomes clever with dodging the cat and finding spots the big cat can’t easily follow.

Rain leaves the forest each day before sunset and never sees Phayu in his human form, although Saifah told him about the curse Phayu was born with early on.

By the time Rain is eighteen, Phayu is so big even on all fours he stands above Rain’s waist. The two of them are inseparable, Rain comes to see him every day. Sometimes Saifah comes with them but more often lately Saifah has been traveling to see a young farmer’s daughter on the other side of the forest. The farmer and his family care nothing about the politics of the far away village and the distant nobles. They have taken a liking to Saifah and approve of him dating their daughter.

On Rain’s nineteenth birthday he makes a request. “Can I come see you tonight?” He asks Phayu.

Phayu raises his head and looks at Rain, it’s always been their rule that Rain be back home before sunset.

“Please,” Rain asks. “I will be careful and make sure no one sees me.”

Phayu seems to consider this and then pushes his head under Rain’s hand. His signal for agreement. Rain laughs delightfully and says, “I can’t wait to see you as a human.” He scratches Phayu behind the ears and listens to the big cat purr contentedly.

Love is a game (Love in the air collection)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora