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Warning ⚠️
I make up some stuff

|| Means narration
"  " Means talking
'  ' Means whispering
//  // Means thoughts
*  * Means an action



||The sun is about to set...

Y/n's POV

"What do you think, docs?
We had a new uniform made just for the both of you! Do you like it?" Coach Nam gave me and Dan new uniforms.

"Ah yes, it's very nice..!" Dan answered for the both of us, as usual.

"I knew this shade of blue
fit the both of you!"

"Thank you, we really appreciate all of this." Dan and i bowed to coach Nam.

"Not at all! Hehe..

Honestly... I should be the one thanking the both of you, i was beginning to think that we'd never find someone to handle that maniac.

Thank god you came along, docs."

"Ahh.." Dan and i were speechless.

"Now that you've got your uniform and all, i hope you both stay with us for a long,
long time."

//Oh gosh what have we gotten ourselves into.. now we have to stay...

... Well, not that we had much
of a choice to begin with.//

"Coach!" Someone called, interrupting our conversation.

"The reservation is at six, so the guys want to head over to the restaurant."

"Oh, right.
Let us head out together docs~"

"Where to?" Dan and i weren't informed about any dinner together with team black.

"You don't know what
today is?"

//Well how could you expect us to know when you didn't tell us?//

Coach Nam continued, "today
is your welcome party, docs!"

Still Y/n's POV

We arrived at the yeonnam pork house restaurant down the road, with coach Nam.
There was a cheery atmosphere in the inside, many of the
team black members were drinking, eating and talking all at the same time.
Everyone had a smile on their face.

When they noticed us, they greeted us with warm smiles.

"Hey! The man and woman
of the hour!
Come on in, coach!"

"Wooo! We've grilled all the
meat already!" Another member spoke.

Coach Nam puts each of his hands on our shoulders. Pushing us lightly to a table with three empty seats.


"Eat up docs!" Daehyun
grabbed a bunch of meat and
put them in our plates.

"Th-thank you..." Dan said, i
just bowed slightly as thanks.

"You gotta hurry or they'll eat your share, too. These guys are athletes, so they'll take any excuse for a good meal."

Daehyun then pointed to the other members behind him, eating like there's no tomorrow.

"Have you clowns even properly introduced yourselves yet?" Coach scolded.

"Ah, my name is Oh Daehyun..." He said to Dan and bowed slightly, Dan bowed back. I knew he wasn't talking to me because i already talked to him before this.

"And this here is coach Jeong Yosep. He is the oldest of
the athletes, so everyone calls
him hyung." Coach Yosep
bows slightly as he is
being introduced.

"And you know my name, right?
I'm Park Namwook, Jaekyung's manager and the coach for team black.

That one there is the youngest of the team. His name is potato."

Hearing that, pota- Yoongu got angry, anyone can tell he does not like his nickname.

"Hey! Come on! How many times do i have to tell you to stop calling me that?! My name is Hwang Yoongu!"

"Whatever, potato. If the shoe fits... Heheh." The coach seems
to like teasing him, i don't
blame him though, Yoongu's
reactions are really funny.

//So that's who Daehyun was talking about previously..//

"I know you're both officially in charge of Jaekyung, but i hope you'll both get to know the others too.
Sure, they can be a little rough sometimes, but they're good boys." Coach Nam said, i could tell he was proud of them.

"Oh, of course. We'd like that." Dan answered Coach Nam.

Yoongu interrupted by asking
a very good question..

"But, Coach...
where is Jaekyung hyung?"

"Jaekyung came in for training in the morning and called it a day. He said he had stuff to do."

"Oh.." yoongu seemed a bit disappointed that Mr Joo wasn't here.

"What? This is supposed to be a welcome party for his own personal physical therapists, and he's not even gonna show?!
Come on!"

I tap Daehyun's arm to comfort him, i smile at his kindness.
"Thankyou for being mad for us, but it's really alright, Daehyun oppa."

He looks down, at me, and blushes slightly.

"You know Jaekyung doesn't normally come to stuff like
this. He doesn't even drink."
Coach yosep informed us
about Jaekyung.

//Thankfully he's not here, it would be kinda awkward...//


im so sorry🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
BUT i finally have some free time and i will be able to write and upload more often these few days!!!

See u soon! 😁


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