Prologue: The Alternative Timeline

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The atmosphere was very silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop.



A lone man from our section, the first years, laugh at the sight of the unorthodox man on the stage

A young man of average height with shoulder-length magenta hair with a weird laugh

It was none other than Ryuen Kakeru, the tyrant of Class 1-C.

The man looked at Ryuen with a bored expression

"Kuku, are you that in love with that banal game of chess? You're  probably some "grandmaster" or whatever corny title you describe yourself as"

This got a couple of laughs and snickers across the Auditorium. With my classmates Ike, Yamauachi, Karizuawa, and Sato holding themselves from laughter.

"Hmph, why should I concern myself with the commentary of an edgy Class C delinquent?"

The man spout back those towards Ryuen immediately

Ryuen found amusement rather than irritation in the retort

"Edgy? What about you, a grown man arguing with a teenager merely for mocking your ridiculous outfit, quite edgy behavior amirite?"

The man had a scowl on his face after Ryuen's comment

"Tch, I wouldn't be wearing this attire if it wasn't the main theme of this special annoucement"

"Oh? Are we having a chess tournament or something? Sounds boring as hell"

Ryuen says as he leans back on his seat while yawning

The man ignores Ryuen's last comment and redirects his attention to the assembled audience

"Like Sakayangai had stated before, this special announcement will be told by me"

He said while pointing at himself 

"You don't need to know my name or affiliation, just know what I'll be presenting to you students and teachers will be something truly unthinkable"

Unthinkable? This piques my interest and curiosity even more.

"Now before I start, I want to ask you all a question, How do you all reflect upon your current tenure at Advance Nurturing High School? What are your sentiments regarding the ongoing class competition? How do you assess your individual disposition and contributions to your class? Would you categorize yourself as a leader or a follower in the context of your efforts? Do you contemplate the prospect of betraying your peers for the chance to ascend to Class A, or have you resigned yourself entirely to forgoing such ambitions, languishing until the culmination of your school journey?"

What a heavy question. As for me, I want to live a peaceful life in this school for the next three years without any problems. I don't care about Class A or D. However, due to Chabashira-Sensei and Horikita, my peaceful life is slightly on hold right now.

Casting a sidelong glance to my right, I observed Sakura with her head subtly lowered, her attitude pertaining dissatisfaction and disappointment

I understood the rationale behind her demeanor, considering that, apart from my own interactions, Sakura has refrained from actively engaging socialization within our class. Were it not for the circumstances surrounding Sudo and her unforeseen entanglement in that affair, she might have occupied a rather inconspicuous position amongst our classmates. Regrettably, her excessively reserved nature impedes her prospects of cultivating connections and participating in social exchanges within our class

Classroom of the Elite Reaction to CheckmateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin