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she's gotta stop this... annoying little fucking voice in her head saying to go to him. to let him take the stress away so she can feel the bliss again. but she can't keep putting this off anymore. they have to help harry. he's struggling bad again and he's keeping them up at night again- and hermione she can't- she can not deal with the no sleep insanity again.

"right harry, dreamless sleep potion. now. so you'll sleep the whole night" she says and he nods tucking himself into the bed across from hers. ron's making a bed on the floor (which is his mattress he dragged from their room and all the blankets he could find) and he sighs once he gets comfortable. they are letting harry try her dreamless potion she was given from the hospital wing to see if this stops the nightmares and the visions - at least while he's resting. while they are all resting.

"you have to sleep tonight mione" ron says to her and she pinches her eyes shut because she fucking knows that.

"you should take some too" harry says motioning to the stash of dreamless potion that's hers to begin with. pomprey gives her a stash every other week to take for when she's struggling. she wants to, she remembers how well she slept on it that week she had to. but..

"harry someone has to be able to pull you out of your visions and nightmares if this doesn't work.." she says glancing away from him not baring to look at the sadness that run along his face once she says it, "i'll sleep i will i promise" she says and harry nods, that's enough for now.

it's quiet for a while and harry is fast asleep she tosses and turns and huffs, she can't sleep. shocker there.

"i can't sleep either" the voice says from the floor. she sits up on her elbow and looks down to ron on the floor. his arm is propped under his head and he's looking out the window, "i'm so scared he's gonna.." he stops talking and looks to his best friend.

"i know" she says and he looks to her and nods, "but he won't because im going.. we are going to figure this out okay?" she tells him. she doesn't promise it because merlin's if she knows the answer to it but she's going to try. she's going to do everything she can to save him.

"goodnight hermione" he says giving her a soft smile and turning on his side.

"goodnight" she whispers back and lays back onto her pillows.

it consumes her eventually, sleep. and the sun starts soaking through the window and her eyes flutter open. they did it, they slept through the night. she glances over at the clock, they slept 8 hours.

she smiles, its progress with the dreamless portions. she considers it for a moment that well..maybe he could just take the dreamless part of the potion - not the part that makes you sleep. she'd have to talk to snape, to properly learn what's in the potion and that alone almost makes it not worth it. almost.

she looks over as harry stirs awake and he takes a few seconds to gather his surroundings and then he smiles, "it worked" he says and she nods, "it worked" she confirms.

they didn't have to shake him awake from his screaming. she didn't get pulled out of her sleep him waking her up to see if she was alive. ron didn't have to drag him into a warm shower to get him to stop shaking. it's a bloody fucking miracle and she wants to thank whatever gods she needs to that maybe they found a way to help him sleep. she couldn't believe that she didn't think of that.

and it took her being brought to the bridge of exhaustion and being demanded she take the potions for her mind to think oh! harry should try!

"forgot erm.. how it feels to sleep normally" he says rubbing his eyes and ron turns over in his sleep and looks up at us, "holy shit harry! you did it!" he says and harry smiles, a bright big smile she hasn't seen in a while.

my tears ricochet Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora