"Alright." Lane said, grabbing some lotion and putting some in his hands.

"Alright. I've already got it loaded in here." Tori said.

We looked at Lane, confused as to why he was sniffing his hands. 

"Okay, what?" Lane asked.

"See, look what it says on the official Hollywood Arts website." Tori showed him his phone.

"Ugh. My life is slipping away." Jade said.

"Read it." Tori told Lane.

"All students are encouraged to participate in school-sanctioned events, clubs, and sports teams."

"And how can I participate in ping pong if the team captain here refuses to even let me try out and the co-captain hasn't said anything?"

"You gotta let her try out." 

"We don't need more players." Jade said.

"Read the phone, Jade. Read the phone." Tori said, waving the phone in Jade's face. 

Jade glared at her. 

Tori looked at me. "So, can I?"

"I mean, sure. I guess. Just a tryout, but other than that, Jade makes all the big decisions for the team."

Tori smiled and nodded. 

Jade grabbed my hand, and we both walked away.

"I didn't want to say anything. I couldn't deny her when she'll keep pestering us." 

"It's fine, we can't do anything about it now since she brought Lane into it."

"Yeah, true. Let's go to class. I miss my lover, boy."

Jade gagged and smiled at me.

"You love me."

"I won't if you keep being like that."

"You always say that."

I smiled at her, and we just walked off to class. 

. ⋆ ✧ * ⌖ ˖° *˚˳⌖ ⋆ * ・゚ : ⋆ . ⋆ ✧ * ⌖ ˖° *˚˳⌖ ⋆ * ・゚ : ⋆ .

Beck, Jade, Robbie, Cat, Andre, and I are in the rec room. 

Tori was playing ping pong against Beck right now. It was going back and forth for a bit until Beck missed, meaning Tori won.

Andre and Tori went, and not long enough, Tori won, because Andre was down on his knees thinking he was able to hit it, but missed.

It was Cat's turn to go, but she got scared and ran. 

Robbie went against Tori shirtless, and it was going good. When Tori this the ball, the ball hit Robbie on his manhood, making him fall.

It was Rex's turn, but Rex missed. 

It was now my turn, and it has been going for a while. Tori hit the ping pong ball while I was getting ready. I was strategically thinking. I hit the ball, making it go to the close side to Tori with the pattle on her other hand, meaning she missed it. I won this round and she got upset. 

I smiled and walked to Beck. Beck pulled me to his lap and kissed my cheek. "Good girl." He whispered

I blushed but smiled. 

Jade was looking at her phone and walked to Tori. Tori walked up to her as well.

"Well?" Tori asked.

"You didn't make the team." Jade said, smiling.

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