sneaking out

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(The song Associates with the chapter)

I get home from another boring day of school but I guess I don't really like being hom cause of my dad "hey son" my dad hugs him. I try to hug him to but he smacks my face and kicks me to the ground, Lucas helps me up and brings me to the living room. I don't cry, but he comes back out "YOU HAVE A D IN MATH YOU FUCKINF FALUIRE" he yells grabbing my wrist. I stand up and look into his eyes he throws me against the counter corner and it stabs my arm making it bleed, he punches my eye making a mark. "PLEASE STOP" I cry as I back away. He looks at me and pushes me into the wall and I run upstairs. I cry into my pillow and Lucas comes in "hey I have soem friends coming over so clean up" he says specifically about my arm and eye I nod and close the door. I put concealer and foundation on my eye and just bandage up the cut I do I bit of make-up and sit in Lucas's room as a safe place. "Can I play fortnite?" I ask pouting "yeah whatever" he says shrugging as he looks at his phone. I hop on the game and Barley get thru landing and his friends arrive I look behide me and it's the sturniolo triplets.. The most popular boys in school. I look at Lucas in a 'should I get out?' And he nods no. I text Lucas as I hear my dad coming up the stairs

Lucas= L

Cam we go to their house I will stay in the car I js wanna leave

L; sure but we have to sneak out yk?

Yeha js let me grab something

L: ur vape?😭😂


I look at him and laugh as I get up. "I'll play for you" Chris says, I know there names but he'll they don't know me at all. I nod and walk to my room, when I get There I grab my vape and a blade. I wrap my hair in a bun and stuff pj pants into my backpack, I walk back and move Chris out of the way he sits back down on the floor and I take a hit of the vape. Chris gives Lucas a worried look and he just shrugs. I put it on the table and play fn until my dad goes to sleep.

~time skip~

"Lets go dad's sleeping" Lucas says to all of us. We all creep out. I open the door after sliding uggs on I look behide me and all the boys are gone? I start panicking as I hear my dad get up "no no" I whisper ad I pull out my phone

Where tf are u?

L: In the car

Well dads coming down

L: just run out

My phone falls in my pocket as I see my dad running at me with a belt in his hand. I fall to the floor in shock he hits me real hard on the back and I scream in agony I stand up and run to the cat crashing into chris' side as I slam the door shut Lucas signals to go and matt drives so fast home. "Lets get food" nick says acting like nothing happend. We all agree and I eat nothing just what in the car and listen to music aka alien blues by vundabar. They walk back out and I shut the music out.

~time skip~

We all get home and get super sleepy "can I just stay I'm ur guest room?" O ask "we don't have one, but you can stay in my mom's room she's gone for the night " matt shrugs I nod and walk over there.

Authors note; I'm proud of this chapter but I think it could of been a bit more interesting but whatever.
667 words in total.

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