Cure to Homesickness: Chapter 26

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My body and face started feeling extremely hot as I stuttered out, "K-Katomi, you're back?!" I whispered as she looked at me with a smile, "I said I was going to come back, didn't I?" She asked before kissing me. "Damn it, I'm going to have to tell her," I said in thought, not wanting to tell her that we were planning to move after the war. Deciding to set that aside for now, I embraced her tighter and continued kissing her. After what must've been several minutes, she pulled back before tugging me to my bed, the sudden action preventing me from fainting. We sat on the bed and she then hugged me while placing her head on my shoulder. I prevented myself from asking and decided to lay my head on top of her's while grabbing her hands tightly. We sat like this for several more minutes, once again enjoying each other's warm comfort.

"Thank you, I really needed this. Just as I said in the letter, I'll spend more time here, with you," she whispered into my ear, causing me to stiffen slightly while squeezing her hand. A moment passed as she asked once more, "Please tell me what's wrong." I inwardly kicked myself in embarrassment for not remembering our ability to understand each other so well, even with the slightest of body language changes. I sighed before placing my head back on top of hers, "We...we are planning to move to Konoha once this war is over, it may be within the next couple of years or...who knows. Mom wants to find better work and Dad and I have been working together on some projects, and also feels that life in a more wealthy village would help. I....I...just worry that you wouldn't want to come." I explained as I now felt her stiffen slightly before looking into my eyes in shock.

Seeing those eyes of shock and concern, I couldn't help but look away in shame, only to be interrupted by a hand grasping my chin. As my head was forced back to look at her, I was about to speak, but she stopped me with another kiss. "I will never be separated from you," she said as she pulled back with a smirk, before continuing, "And try not to leave yet, I have a better idea, for us and for the whole village." I looked at her in puzzlement, "A...better idea? For the whole village?" I asked as she nodded and continued, "I will be seizing the village in the future and will need your help, along with everyone else." She said bluntly, as my eyes grew to the size of my glasses and I became light-headed. Before I could faint, she grabbed my face and kissed me again, this time bitting my bottom lip slightly, which caused me slight pain and prevented me from falling unconscious. 

"You want to do what?!" I scream-whispered before adding, "What kind of power do you have, rose-hime? How could you take over a village?" She smirked mischievously before explaining, "I have trained in chakra for years, my mom was a ninja or at least had some level of chakra training. I took some of her scrolls, trained a little bit, fought some battles while I was gone, and grew stronger. I have the power to take over this village, and I also have allies, powerful allies. It'll take a lot to oppose me in battle if I am being honest." She finished as I sat staring into her enchanting red eyes. My mouth finally caught up with my mind as I asked, "Katomi, how strong are you and how did you become so powerful?" 

A moment passed as she then sighed before answering, "I am likely strong enough to take on a Kage and survive, as for how I got this strong, you cannot tell anyone what I am about to say, better yet, you cannot tell anyone what I have already said," She said while giving me a serious look. I gave her a nod, "You know you can trust me," I said simply. She nodded, before wrapping her arms around my neck, "I have what could be considered a bloodline, or two bloodlines at that. The first one deals with my last name, Misamoto. I am of the Misamoto clan, which is now extinct to my current knowledge. My clan's main abilities are our doujutsu called the 'Ryoshigan'. It works like the Sharingan of the Uchiha and gives me enhanced perception, while also working a bit like the Byukugan of the Hyuuga clan, and helps me see a large distance in the direction I look. Our other ability is flight with chakra wings, I'll show you later how it works."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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