Got a secret, can you keep it?

One 𓇼 ࣪ . Respect .ᐟ.ᐟ
To start off with something basic and universal, please respect me and other appliers! I will NOT tolerate bigotry in any way, regardless of whether it's in or outside of your forms. As a college student, there will be times where I'll be busy, so please don't pressure me to update— of course, it goes without saying, I'll always try my best to write.

Two 𓇼 ࣪ . Updates .ᐟ.ᐟ
If you haven't already, make sure to add this book to your library and/or a reading list, as I will be updating this chapter in particular with news from time to time! There's no need to follow me, but if you want to, feel free, it's always welcomed.

Three 𓇼 ࣪ . Forms .ᐟ.ᐟ
This isn't a first come, first serve applyfic— the form I think best suits the slot and the storyline will be picked! While I do love detailed forms, do remember: quality > quantity. Sure, long forms are impressive, but if it's filled with a whole bunch of nothing, your character won't be getting picked. On a similar note, please don't feel pressured to do aesthetics, as they won't give any brownie points (however, if you do, more power to you)! It goes without saying, however just in case: don't make Mary/Gary sues, I'm begging. Nobody wants to see perfect, unflawed characters, but that doesn't necessarily mean that a character needs trauma to be considered flawed! This story heavily relies on drama, secrets, and eventually, character development, so the more interesting your form, the higher your chances are of being accepted.

Four 𓇼 ࣪ . Faceclaims .ᐟ.ᐟ
The story takes place during Fall 2020, so faceclaims will be limited to the years 1999-2004 (although older is much more preferred). And more of a side note, but be sure to choose a faceclaim that matches the slot! Most importantly, I abhor ethnicity bending and it is NOT allowed, so make sure the ethnicity of your faceclaim matches your character's as well.

Five 𓇼 ࣪ .   Side Characters .ᐟ.ᐟ
Since our story takes place in a school, I'll be needing recurring side characters to fully flesh out the world. The forms for them will be much shorter, as I won't be going into as much depth with them as I will be with the main cast, so if filling out the form for the slots isn't possible, consider submitting a side character.

 The forms for them will be much shorter, as I won't be going into as much depth with them as I will be with the main cast, so if filling out the form for the slots isn't possible, consider submitting a side character

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Swear this one you'll save.

Founded in 1985 as Yongsan School for the Gifted by "pioneer woman" Park Choja, the academy easily earned its reputation as one of the top secondary schools of the country. The founder, a champion of education, advocated for the importance of learning for the youth, which reflected heavily in the school's performance. 20 years ago, Yongsan School for the Gifted was converted into an international boarding school, and has thus become the academy that is so loved today: YIAS.

Now being spearheaded by Choi Bohui, a direct descendent of the founder, 80% of its alumni are accepted into SKY. Headmaster Choi wields with a merciless iron fist, working diligently to uphold honor, tradition, and most importantly, the academy's shining reputation. The funny thing about something getting old is that it can't stay clean forever— YIAS is no exception to that, no matter what the headmaster does or says.

♱ No Body, No CrimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя