🧡 Levi As a Sonic character 🧡

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Full Name:  Leviathan Shayne

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Full Name:  Leviathan Shayne

Nicknames:Levi, Lev, Nat, Via, Evi.

Birthday:May 15th



Relationship with with my main OC:
Kamila  The White Bengal Tiger

Kamila is a Main OC Mine and Levi's Girlfriend and partner.

-His Abilities-

Ice Blast
Levi can unleash a powerful blast of ice from his mouth, freezing anything in his path. This ability reflects his white fur and blue eyes, which are adaptations to blend in with the snowy environment

Levi can change the color of his fur and stripes to match his surroundings, making him almost invisible to his enemies and prey. This ability is based on the fact that white Bengal tigers have a genetic mutation that affects their pigmentation.

Roar of Courage
Levi can emit a loud roar that boosts his allies' morale and intimidates his foes. This ability is inspired by the fact that white Bengal tigers are symbols of strength and bravery in many cultures.

Claw Swipe
Levi can swipe his claws with such force that he can create shockwaves or slash through solid objects. This ability is derived from the fact that white Bengal tigers have powerful jaws, retractable claws, and very strong muscles.

Healing Touch
Levi can heal himself or his allies by licking their wounds or rubbing his fur against them. This ability is based on the fact that white Bengal tigers are solitary animals that take care of their cubs and protect them from harm.

Spirit Bond
Levi can communicate with the spirits of his ancestors and gain their wisdom and guidance. This ability is influenced by the fact that white Bengal tigers are considered sacred and mystical in some religions and legends.

To be honest. I don't like Lev as a raccoon, I liked imagined him as a white Tiger. Because white tigers is literally one of my most Favorite Mystic animal. Yet anyways i changed his appearance of the sonic character Raccoon to White Bengal tigers

If you Don't know who is Kamila is, she is my new Original character i created Yesterday, she is a Friend of Levi's Friend and a Partner. Yet i wanna make levi straight because YES 🙌

Anyway. I hope you likes the changes of his appearances and design 🥲

Again his design was made by Bing AI! I was now addicted to it lol.

Welp anywho, Cya guys later!!! BYE BYE!!!🧡💫

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