🎵🐰Meet musical Melody 🐰🎵My Main OC of smiling critter!

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Musical Melody
My main original character of the Smiling critters!

SquishMellow Inspired: (I had this squish! Bought it since yesterday! And i love her So much! She is so cute! So i decided to make her as a Smiling critters!

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SquishMellow Inspired:
(I had this squish! Bought it since yesterday! And i love her So much! She is so cute! So i decided to make her as a Smiling critters!

I had her a Medium version of her!

I had her a Medium version of her!

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Musical Melody!

Description of her:
She loves to sing a song! She is also a song writer! She loves to listen to music! Her joy of music! Her favorite Snacks is watermelon!

Scent: Sweet-Brier


Human Name:
Lyra Harmony

Age: 16

Birthday: May 16

She is a female Teenager girl who used to be a musician, cared and loved for her audience, she is a third winner awards. And loves to compete. And wanted to he a Part time Musician of her dreams since she was four. When she is 16 Her life ended by the scientists Who took her life away of her prize. She was an experiment on her and Things never went so well for her and the scientists. Although singing a song when she is a monster form. She fells asleep when she hears her lullaby calms her nerves. Her father sing her a lullaby that her mother wrote when she was just a child at age 6. Her mother used to be a musician. Now is up to Lyra wanted to become one but that Wish has come to an end.

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