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Dalia felt her stomach drop to the floor. Her heart had fallen out her chest, and she was heaving gasping breaths. She was whirling through a coaster, up and down and all around, her body was getting tortured several different ways. 

Until she scraped her hand on the pavement. She frowned at the red raw scratches on her right hand.

"Move it," grumbled an old man, kicking Dalia as he walked by.

Dalia scrambled to her feet as daintily as one can, and her eyes fell on the drawbridge. She heard murmurs around her as a shiny three multicolored grand carriage sailed by. Dalia frantically looked around, not caring for a royal in that carriage. A guard in a thick smoky black armor came out of nowhere and shoved her. Dalia froze. The Evil Guard.

"Away from the Queen Mistrals." He spoke, his voice clear and crisp, sounding much different from the Camelot man who'd stepped on her, and the growling Guard who'd spoken to her back at the Flowerground on her first day of the School for Evil.

Back when she still had her father...Dalia shook her head out her trance.

Dalia squinted at him. "Who are you? You're not in Camelot uniform."

"Neither are you, so you shouldn't be in perimeter of royals, given you are not one." The guard spoke drily, eyeing her ripped overall dress, dusted in dirt. Dalia crossed her arms, trying to cover a grass stain. 

Suddenly, Dalia's periwinkle eyes widened in understanding. She nodded to herself, certain. "I knew you sounded familiar! Aiden what are you doing?!"

"I can't take off this blumming helmet," he said grouchily, then to Dalia, "my father forced me here to look after his sisters and watch over the Guard in Camelot."

"The Evil Guard," Dalia breathed. She hadn't given a single thought to them ever since she left home. She'd practically forgotten they existed. "Why?"

"Apparently," Aiden grunted as he chucked the helmet onto the floor, "There's been a rebellion in Camelot. Not that I blame them. My aunts are terrible queens."

Aiden combed a hand through his normally perfect ice white hair, that was sticking out in all the right ways now. Dalia cleared her throat, bending over to pick up the helmet as a flash pierced her vision and Aiden's foggy armor disappeared, and he shifted back to the sleek black boys uniform, clean shirt and sharp shorts, a green tie attached to his shirt. Dalia fiddled with the helmet in her hand, trying it over her head.

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "That might be the stupidest idea you've ever tried—"

A dark chest plate fitted around Dalia. Then boots. Then more pieces of armor came flying on until the set was attached to her body parts and complete. Dalia was now a part of The Evil Guard.

Aiden blinked a couple times. Dalia grinned.

"See, I knew it would pay off!" Dalia announced enthusiastically.

Aiden made a face, looking to the floor, murmuring, "And I thought curiosity was supposed to kill the cat.."

The three Queen Mistrals hopped out the carriage, but one of them caught Aiden next to a towering Evil Guard. Little did they know, it was actually Dalia.

The three Queen Mistrals all wore voluminous ball gowns that dragged as they walked and cheap replicas of the Camelot Queen's crown with glittering blue jewels topped their heads. They were all identical with ratty, thin gray hair, wrinkles and bristles dotting their skin, and the same mischievous almond eyes.

"Look, it's the nephew who's not a failure," chittered the low voiced one.

"Maybe he will be. Look, he's in trouble with that Guard," The high voiced one observed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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