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Book woke up to be in a dune. She coughed out what feels to be pounds of sand.. how could this happen? Book held her body up with her weak hands, and looked towards the horizon. This couldn't be the elimination area, or is it?

Book then heard a loud car coming towards her, it sounded very loud. Almost like it was.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER.

The driver kept going, it looked like it didn't care about Book being infront of them. The driver kept going until..


Lightning then proceeded to grab Book by the hand, and throw her in their car.

"Hi Book, I didn't think you'd get out this early", He said trying to start a conversation..


Book was trying to catch her breath, a near death experience is traumatizing..




"Woah, chill. I picked you up so it's fine.", Lightning answered.

Book sighed, "Soo.. Whats going on?"

"Okay. Sound crazy but we are in this ginormous desert with no food or water. Trust me I scouted the whole place. There's groups of objects living together to survive.

There's Clocks group; the dangerous one.

It includes: Eggy, Foldy, and Saw.

There is Cloudys group; a rather peaceful one.

It consists of: Remote, Cake, and someone else that prefers to stay hidden.

And the rest are rogues. We can technically call ourselves a group", Lighting finished.

"Hold on- we?", Book asked.

Book then proceeded to look back and see Naily and Pie in the back seat.

"Sup.", Pie said as she LITERALLY was playing with fire.

"Okay, so she got fire powers for some reason?", Book asked.

"Yep, Naily is like super strong. That's why I brought her.", Lightning said as he continued driving.

"I wonder if I get any powers..", Book thought to herself.

Naily was sleeping in the back, without a care in the world. Little did she know that peacefulness was going to be destroyed.


Book saw large bazooka in the seat of the car. Hopefully it will come to use.


"Don't use that in my car.", Lightning ordered.

"Whatever.", Book replied.

The group proceeded to keep strolling on until..

"Oh look its another person!", Book called.

As they got closer and closer.. a big Gmc was going in their direction. It was oddly not slowing down at all..

"Hi!!", Book waved.

As soon as Book put her wiggly arm out the window, a bullet went right under it.

"EEK!', Book screamed.

Naily then proceeded to wake up, with Pie staring at the attacker accidentally.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!!", The group went.

Book was immediately about to pick up the bazooka, but Lightning held the gun and brought it closer to the ground. He did not want to see it close to him apparently.

Pie and Naily looked at eachother, before Pie lifted Naily up, and threw it at the attacker.

"IF I DIE SAY I DIED IN A COOL WAAAYYYYY!!", Naily yelled as she was thrown into the car and making it explode. Soon another car came upon the group.

"OH COME ON!!!", Book complained.

Book proceeded to aggressively lift up the bazooka, and aim at the attacker. The thought of Pillow and her doings made her blood boil.. The thought of Pillow made her WANT TO SEE BLOOD.

Book aggressively clicked down the trigger, laughing maniacally as she did so. The bullet went closer and closer to the car before it went to smithereens.

"Oh no.. OH NO NO NOOO!!", Naily screamed as she went flying after being blown up as well.


"Oops.", Book went. "You think she will survive?", Book asked.

"She's metal, she will survive. And don't worry, she will know the way to us as well. Let's just find shelter.", Lightning replied.

".. Alright?", Book reasoned.

The now group of three headed off to shelter. No one knows where, but they will find it eventually.




Naily shook her head to push the dust away. She was in shock herself the way the group did that. But also proud she blew up some evil bad guys. With that she picked up her p- I mean feet, and started her trek back to the group.

Mad Mad X TPOTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora