Clam Chowder

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As Sharon sat across from Doug on the dining table eating her meal in silence she had to stop as she looked up to announce to her spouse, "I want a divorce Doug".

Surprised at this, he stopped eating the clam chowder that he cooked to look up with his eyebrows furrowed as he asked, "What do you mean?"

Instead of clarifying she just continued by stating, "I'll be leaving in a bit and send for my belongings once I'm settled".

Doug put down his spoon and asked his wife, "Wait, what are you talking about?"

Sharon kept on going in between bites as she said, "If you want to keep the house then go for it and since our kids are all adults now there won't be a custody battle which makes it better for them.".

Sharon finished her meal and went to take care of her dish as Doug sat there confused as if he just saw a two headed gorilla flying on the back of a fire breathing unicorn.

Doug got up from his seat to say something but since he didn't know what to say he just stood there beside his chair as he saw his wife walk over to their bedroom to get out her suitcase.

Meanwhile, his mind went blank as he just stood aside watching his spouse begin packing her clothes as well as her personal items.

Suddenly, without thinking, he walked over to grab her arm in order to say, "Wait... whatever it is that I did I'm sorry. I can change."

Sharon disregarded this and kept on packing.

Doug then asked, "What about therapy? We can do couples therapy to get past this".

Sharon shook her head as she went to put on her shoes.

Just then, Doug began to panic as his wife walked towards the front door considering there were a mixture of emotions running through him as his wife was about to leave him.

Without thinking, Doug just stood in front of the front door to block her exit as he turned to her to ask in a low voice, "Just... Why?"

There was a long pause as Sharon looked her husband directly in the eye and stated,

"I don't love clam chowder," as she then opened the door to walk out on a 20 year marriage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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