"I think there was someone else in the prison with me I am not sue for but they don't deserve to be locked up." Jim said.

"I know your heart is in the right place but the more people you want to escape this place the harder it's going to be." you said.

"Please y/n I need your help to get them out." Jim said practicality begging at this point.

"Fine but this will be quick, stay close Trollhunter the soldiers know not to harm me but they will take any chance to return you to their gumm-gumm warlord." you said. Jim thanks you as the two of you make your way to Gunmars castle. Arriving at the front of the castle you put your hand on Jim's shoulder as you lead him through the halls. Gumm-gumm soldiers notice you but do not engage as they simply get out of your way. The two of you reach the prison cells as you smell someone in one of them, something impure.

"A Changeling!? You want to rescue this filthy creature?" you said as you growled at the impure in the cage.

"Nomura? Why are you here?" Jim said confused

"Gunmar had to punish someone for his son's death." Nomura said. Jim looked at the impure thinking about something, then he took out his sword as he hit the bars. The shockwave from it sends him into the wall, Jim grunts as he cradles his chest.

"y/n do you think you could break it open?" Jim said

"Why would you free me? There is no point, there is nowhere to hide in this place." Nomura said.

"We can at least get you out of here a place safer than this." Jim said as you poked the crystal bars to get a slight zap. From a fist you punch the bars causing it to shatter from your strength," you want to stay here or come with us your choice." Jim says as he climbs on your back getting ready to run out of the castle. Nomura grunts as she gets ready to run with you. In an instant you're off running through the castle, taking out a couple of soldiers who stood in your way, impaling them with your horns.

You make it to the bridge as you stop standing near the edge of it. Nomura looks at you confused as you grab the Changeling and jump off the bridge. One screamed in fear and one screamed in joy, as you continued to fall through the fog. You hit the ground as you drop Nomura, she drops to her knees as she looks around horrified at what happened.

"Come on impure." you said as your words were laced in venom. You feel Jim pull on your fur as you growl at him,"Oh sorry Trollhunter." you said as you placed the human on the ground. Jim glares at you trying to tell you 'be nice', but you are blind so you don't see that message. You arrive back at the cavern to hear Dictatious mumbling to himself.

"Were back Dictatious." you said as you heard a gasp from Nomura.

"You brought the Gunmar's Advisor here? You fool! He will betray us!" Nomura hissed out as she summoned her blades. She lunged at Dictatious as you ram into her, sending her into the wall. Nomura groaned as she got back up and lunged at you. Sending a soundwave blast at her as she tries to shake off the dizziness, you roared as you charged at her. You grab her arm as you pin her down on the ground. A deep bellow like growl emits from you as blue saliva drips from your mouth and onto her face.

"y/n stop!" Jim shouts.

"Why should I Trollhunter, this Impure was about to kill my friend." you said as you continued to growl.

"This is a misunderstanding, Nomura, Dictatious never wanted to work with Gunmar but he had no choice. If he didn't he would've been killed on the spot, but he found y/n here and was able to help them by being a spy." Jim said hurriedly.

Nomura looks up at you and then at Dictatious,"I don't blame you for doing that to stay alive, and ugh sorry about me you know, almost killing you." Nomura said.

"No taken but I suggest you plan before you act, my friend y/n could have easily killed you." Dictatious says as a grin spreads across his face. You grunt as you get off of Nomura as you walk towards Dictatious to make sure she doesn't try anything.

"I am going to sleep, Nomura if I find Dictatious dead." you said as your body glowed brighter. Whispers could be heard as the fungus on the ground shook violently.  The whispers turned into screams of terror and fear as your three guests covered their ears. Then everything stopped, all went quiet as Jim and Nomura stared at you in pure fear,"Let's just say you don't want to find out."

You walk into your den as you lay down on your side facing away from the entrance of the den as you hear footsteps approaching.

"What is it Dictatious?" you said calmly as you turned to face him.

"That was a little unnecessary don't you think." Dictatious said as he sat at the edge of your nest.
"I don't know. . . maybe? It's just you taught me how to speak, you taught me the rights and wrongs of this world. You told me stories about your time on the surface and your brother.you taught me to become less savage, more civil you called it. It's just I don't know what I would do if you died." you said as emotions spilled out onto him.

Dictatious sighed as he smiled at you,"I know, you taught me a couple of things as well. Mostly patience but that's besides the point. I don't live forever like you do. My time will come and you will need to be more open to others. You can do that for me right y/n?" Dictatious said as he messed with your fur.

"Alright I'll try. Just don't die on me now you old fart." you said as Dictatious gasped. He lightly hit your head as you chuckled. you adjusted as you let yourself fall asleep, while Dictatious tells you the story of the changed general.

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