all comes to an end

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Back in the lab fire was everywhere as one of the minions was on fire shaking on a latter as van helsing was shown leaning on a something as two minions run past him on fire as he stumbled forward.

Swings can be heard flapping as Dracula appears before dropping onto his feet as he goes back to normal with a smirk"you are to late me and my mates children live"he says slowly stalking towards van helsing who was breathing heavily as he backs away.

"Then the only way to kill them is to kill you"van helsing says panting.

"Yes but you won't get a chance to "lilth says as she and drac share knowing smirks.

"Correct"Dracula says with a shrug van helsing smirks "then so be it"he says tearing off his cloak as the clock chimes as he starts to transform into a werewolf with black fur.

Dracula smirks looking behind him"but you won't get a chance to im afraid see I already knew you were bitten"he says as Lilith suddenly appears behind him dropping from the from high in the air making the were turn towards her bareing his teeth.

Aleera smirks "you didn't think I would keep that little detail away from mother and father"she says cackling

She looks at the werewolf blankly"see we've grown tired of these games I already gotten rid of your little friends"she says as the werewolf roars charging towards her before freezing as a flash of silver was shown before he looks down seeing what must have been the cure as he stumbled back with a gasp as he slowly transformed back into human.

Van helsing glares at Lilith and Dracula who smirks.

Mirishka smirks crossing her arms"oh please you really thought they wouldn't have the upper hand"she says as she and her sisters chuckle.

"How could you be okay with this"Bonnie says in disgust.

"It's cold life and you do what ever you can to survive and get rid of your enemies"Lilith says with a cold look that sent chills down the Scooby gangs backs while the mikealsons share looks with one another that how they saw life as well.

"No this wasn't how it was supposed to go"he says in shock on how his plan was destroyed so easily.

"See aleera told me about how you were bitten the day of the masquerade ball we've always been one step ahead"she snarls with with a cold glare as Dracula walks over to him mate.

"Face it van helsing we won but before we kill you we want you to feel what it's like to lose those close to you"she says before flashing in front of him as she grabs the man by the neck slamming him into the wall as she puts the memory of ana ,Carl's and the monsters death as tears of anger build in his eyes.

"Can you teach me your ways"Rebekah asked as Lilith raised an eyebrow.

"See I enjoyed killing those three and now we'll get the ultimate revenge for our daughters "she says as her eyes glow dangerously as her grip tightened before she stabs her hand into his chest as she grips his heart as he groans in agony"each time my daughters died I felt like my heart break in agony "she slowly twisted her hand as he screams in agony before ripping her hand out tossing him to drac who holds his arms back with a smile.

"Nothing is more scary then a women's fury cause they are unpredictable when there angry or pissed off"Tyler says as many man agree with a nod of there heads.

"Sorry not sorry my friend but your life has come to an end but I will tell you this I enjoyed ripping that princesses head right off her body "Lilith says with a dark smirk.

She then grabs one of his daggers as she slowly walks up to him before stabbing the dagger in van helsings eyes as she carved them out."now you will be blind in the afterworld"she says before sharing a look with her mate as there eyes glow as they slowly hiss before unhinging there jaws as they bite harshly into both sides of his neck as he screams in agony.

"Love your styles of revenge mother"Verona says with a smirk as her two sisters cackle.

They continue to drain him dry before his head falls out as the body goes limp as they let it drop to the ground.

"It's finally over my love"Drac says holding his mates face as they were both covered in blood.

"Yes I've been thinking let's find a different home "lilth says running a hand gently over his face.

Drac hums"what did you have in mind"he asked his mate wrapping an arm around her.

"Well there's a rumor about a small town called mystic falls in America just perfect for two vampireres to hide and live while we rais are children but first we need to teach them control and how to transform before normal and there true form my love"she says leaning into his chest.

"Yes I agree and no one will ever take one of our Children again"Drac vows as lighting flashes outside as there eyes glow blue before everything went black.

The goddess that brought them here appears before the them "now it's time to watch all y'all's lives from the beginning to the end and how yalla actions effect every single thing around y'all"she says before disappearing as they share looks with one another.

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