The Monster of Their Story

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A long mournful night I have gone through.

For I have seen my kin in
Fragmented parts from rib to tail.
The traces of life stained with the
Doings of a potent monster.

One that has lurked and terrorized on
Our land for a needless sense of security.
One that believes it has a right to gore my
Kind in undignified scenes .
One that has caused a war with no
End with its vigorous mentality .
One that I wish to put through the same
Pain it did to me.

O', to put it in pain;
A longed scenario waiting to
Come true.

With tempting strategies that
Circulates among my inner circle .
But one remains the most
Requested when we share it around:

Going for the legs as we grip on its
Calves and shred its tendons.
Tackle it onto the ground as we
Flay its underside and gut out its intestines.
Grind our slender teeth against it's
Front legs until it turns into a mixed
Sediment of bone, flesh, and blood.
Gnaw onto its massive body as our
Canals fill with satisfying crunches and tearing.

But the most rewarding outcome from this
Fantasy of ours, will be its helpless calls.

The herbivorous mindset knows
Nothing more than standing and watching
As they witness their kind on the red stained soil.
Its pained bellows and grunts will only be
Received with more bloodshed by us.

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