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"Let me get a picture of my babies before you leave!" My mom's excitement was palpable as she eagerly raised her smartphone, determined to capture the picture of my sibling and me before we departed. With her eyes fixed on the screen, she adjusted her grip, ready to immortalize the moment. "Mom, it's not my first day!" My brother quipped, and we all chuckled.

Standing in the front yard, I felt the gentle caress of the warm breeze on my face, taking in the familiar surroundings that had been my home for countless years. "I've loaded all your luggage into the trunk, your highness." My brother sarcastically remarked. I rolled my eyes playfully and settled into the passenger seat, while my brother Liam took the wheel.

As we drove through the familiar streets of our hometown, memories of my childhood flooded my mind. I couldn't help but shout out of the car windows. "Goodbye, mom and dad! I love you both!" Along the way, I caught glimpses of the park where we used to play hide-and-seek, the local ice cream parlor, and the movie theatre where we watched our favorite films countless times.

The car abruptly came to a halt at a traffic light, snapping me out of my reverie. "Better buckle up, little sis! We have a long road ahead of us." Liam playfully remarked, diffusing the tension and bringing a smile to my face. We cranked up the radio, filling the car with lively tunes.

After a long four-hour drive, we finally reached our destination - his apartment. Well, correction, our apartment. The idea of us sharing an apartment was just too hilarious.

We quickly unloaded my bags from the car. The moment I stepped into the room, I was filled with mix of excitement and exhaustion. "Looks like this is your room." My brother remarked, gesturing towards the empty space. "Don't worry, I won't barge in uninvited.... most of the time."

I confidently added, "Oh, trust me, I've mastered the art of protecting my space," as I playfully imitated a karate pose. Once we finished carrying in all the boxes, I wearily sank into the couch, and my brother settled beside me.

"Welcome home, sis." He said.

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- Jhalak

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