Choi Jong-in was shaken by the news: he had been sure Cha Hae-in would have been cured at the hospital and now he felt hopeless.

"What can we do?" Woo Jin-chul asked the doctors.

The one who had talked before shook her head: "At the moment, we can keep her stable and hope to find a cure."

As the doctors walked away, Choi Jong-in felt unstable and moved slowly to the chairs located near the wall of the hall, falling on one of them.

"Korea doesn't have a S-rank healer anymore." Woo Jin-chul was saying. "Maybe we can ask the USA? The Scavenger Guild may help us, they are still in Sung Jin-woo's debt..."

He trailed off and locked eyes with Choi Jong-in, whose head had snapped up.

"That's the answer!" the mage exclaimed. "Sung Jin-woo! He surely will be able to help Hunter Cha."

Woo Jin-chul had already his phone out and wasted no time in searching for Hunter Sung's number.

"Jin-woo, your phone is ringing-!" Jin-ah called out from the sitting room.

"Let it ring!" Sung Jin-woo said back. He really wanted to shower and rest a bit: he had just come back from a trip outside Korea to stop one of the Sovereigns and was bone-tired.

The hot water on his skin was a pleasant sensation and he stayed under the spray a bit more than necessary.

After a while, Jin-woo came out of the bathroom, toweling his black hair. Jin-ah, who was watching the tv, gave him a look, "Your phone keeps ringing and ringing, oppa."

Jin-woo rolled his eyes and ignored the remark, glancing distractely at the tv. "What's going on?"

"Ah!" his sister exclaimed "Something has happened to the Hunters Guild."

Jin-woo stiffened and was suddenly more alert. "What exactly?"

"I'm not sure, but apparently some of the hunters were hurt while raiding a gate." Jin-ah raised the volume "Listen."

"...and now we have the confirmation that Hunter Cha Hae-in is actually at the hospital. We don't know what had happened exactly, but it seems she got severely hurt while defending Hunter Choi Jong-in. We are trying to reach-"

Jin-woo's eyes widened as he heard the news: he quickly grasped his phone from the table and looked at the many missed calls he had from President Woo Jin-chul. He immediately called him back.

"Hunter Sung!" Woo Jin-chul answered immediately. "Where are you? I've been trying to-"

"What's wrong with Cha Hae-in?" Jin-woo cut in. He had already lost too much time ignoring the call.

"Ah." Woo Jin-chul sighed. "She got hurt shielding Hunter Choi: it seems like she got wounded by some kind of poisoned blade. A-rank healers and the doctors can't do anything for her, she keeps bleeding. We were hoping you could be able to heal her."

"I'm on my way." Jin-woo said sharply, closing the call.

"Jin-woo?" Jin-ah was watching him bewildered.

"I need to go to the hospital." He told her, going to his room to quickly dress. In a few minutes he was ready and he focused on his shadows dispersed all around the globe: he found the one hidden in Cha Hae-in's shadow and in a blink of an eye he had used the Shadow Exchange.

Jin-woo found himself in a hospital room, empty save for the patient on the bed. Cha Hae-in was laying down on her belly, face turned towards him, her back bare and still bleeding. He took a look at her pained face and stroked softly her hair, then moved to examine the wound: it looked bad – black and violet lines were spreading from it and blood was slowly flowing out.

Solo Leveling: Sung-Jin-Woo x Cha-Hae-InWhere stories live. Discover now