yayayayayayayyyy camping

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just they goofing around and I also got 3 exp after writing the last part so I kinda have 0.5 experience of writing now👍


after a long long roadtrip, all 3 of them finally arrived at the camp site!!(not two stud camp) lampert just explore around in excitement while wallter and mark start the fire and set the tent ,the problem is- for some reason tent poles just randomly broke and they start panicking a little but they're lucky enough they know how to repair the poles "phew.. that was close.." mark said while smiling and looking at wallter ,wallter smile back and they start laughing at each other "it been so long since we last went on a trip together" wallter said ,mark agreed but suddenly he realized something "where did lampert go?" mark said and both of them started getting worried about lampert getting lost in the wood ,they start looking for lampert but no matter how long the time passed they found nothing

both of them start to get even more worried until they heard something from behind their back "dads?" they both turn around and saw lampert standing behind them "we been looking for you everywhere!! do you know how worried we are?" mark said ,lampert look down to the side feeling very guilty for his action he apologized but wallter and mark didn't really care about that because everyone once make a mistake ,wallter and mark hold lampert hands and start walking back to the campsite... until they suddenly realized they just got lost but after 10 minutes of panicking and running around randomly they managed to get back to their tent safely

they start doing some normal activities some people would usually do at the camp like making s'more or Tell scary stories at the bonfire but while they're roasting marshmallow to make s'more lampert kinda burnt the marshmallow purposely for some reason ,lampert say he found a little bunny while walking around he decided to play with it for a while until he realized that it's getting dark so he just walk back to the tent but he found no one so he just start walking around just to found wallter and mark in the wood wallter and mark laugh in embarrassment ,all 3 of them watch the shooting star together like a one normal happy family but suddenly "I'm hungry :<" lampert said "don't worry about it! i know this is going to happen so I already packed everything we needed"

wallter help mark set up tools and ingredients "lemme take care of all of these because I don't want to see the forest go up in flames" mark said and start cooking "why don't we just use the bonfire over there to cook? it's going to be a lot easier!!" lampert said while looking at mark, mark look at him and think of what to say for a second until he start saying something "listen my dear.... never use the bonfire to cook if you don't want to eat raw rice with the bottom of the pot burnt" mark said and turn back continue making the chicken curry ,lampert feel surprised with the answer he get but at least he finally knew the reason to never use the bonfire for cooking ,mark finished making chicken curry for 3 people ,all of them enjoyed the food and finished the food in under 10 minutes wallter also drank the whole can of grey stuff after he finished the food it's getting colder and darker now.. well... nighty night!! lampert sleep in the different tent from his parents since there isn't enough space for 3 of them

wallter and mark have a little conversation inside the tent before going to sleep
"this is actually really fun.. we should go on a trip more often when we have times because it's kinda boring staying at home since there isn't a lot to do there.." wallter said ,mark nod giving a sign that he agreed with that they start talking about where should they go next once they have a chance they feel even more sleepy as the time pass so they gave eachother a good night kiss before going to sleep

lampert is just there in his tent making a potion by mixing random thing inside the pot and falling asleep from tiredness

da sillies being silly!!!

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