Manager couldn't hold in and laughs.

Manager: I'm afraid we're not that fancy. But we do believe in your abilities to lead.

Book : Well, I'll have to settle for being the hero of spreadsheets and meetings then. Watch out, corporate world, here comes Book, the unsung hero of office supplies.

Manager : You never fail to bring humor to the workplace, Book. That's one of the things we appreciate about you.

Book: Humor and a knack for Excel – the perfect combination for corporate success. Thanks for believing in my unique skill set, boss.

The manager went back to his cabin. Book was about to sit on his chair when all of his colleagues encircled book.

Colleague1 : Ladies and gentlemen, gather around! Our beloved Book is taking a journey to the land of corporate glory.

Colleague 2  with a dramatic flourish.

Colleague 2: Oh, Book, as you embark on this grand adventure, remember the humble beginnings from which you soared.

Book looks at them with done face as he replied to them sarcastically.

Book: Are we launching a spaceship or saying goodbye?

Colleague 3 ignoring Book's comment.

Colleague 3: Book, your spreadsheets were like poetry, each cell a verse in the symphony of productivity.

Book rolled his eyes.

Book: More like a never-ending saga.

Colleague 4 clutching their heart.

Colleague 4: Ah, Book, your witty retorts were the balm to our corporate wounds.

Book deadpaned.

Book: I'll be sure to invoice you for therapeutic services.

Colleague 1 ignoring the sass.

Colleague 1:  As you venture forth, may your coffee be strong, your Wi-Fi be stable, and your conference calls be merciful.

Book said sarcastically

Book: And may my emails miraculously write themselves.

Colleague 2 holding back laughter.

Colleague 2: In the annals of office history, your name shall be etched, Book, as the master of sass and the sultan of spreadsheets.

Book smirking.

Book: I always knew I'd make history.

As the colleagues continue their theatrics, Book can't help but smile at the exaggerated farewell scene, blending sarcasm with a touch of camaraderie.

Book: Alright, alright, enough with the dramatic monologues. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were auditioning for a theater production.

Colleague 1 : But Book, it's your farewell! We're pouring our hearts out here.

Book: Hearts and hyperbole, more like. Let's keep it real – I'm just changing desks, not starring in a blockbuster.

Colleague 2: We're trying to make this memorable!

Book: Oh, it's memorable, alright. I'll remember the day my colleagues turned into amateur Shakespearean actors.

Colleague 3:  We just wanted to show our appreciation.

Book: Appreciation duly noted. Can we move on to the part where we get cake and call it a day?

Colleague 4 : Book, you're killing the vibe.

Book: Vibe, murdered. Now, can we have a farewell that's as brief as my attention span in meetings?

As the colleagues exchange amused glances. Colleague 1 moved forward.

Colleague 1: Fair enough, Book. Let's cut the theatrics and get to the good part – cake!

Colleague 2:  Agreed! Farewell speeches are overrated anyway. To the break room!

Book: Finally, a decision I can get behind. Lead the way, my dramatized companions.

As they head to the break room for a more casual and less dramatic farewell, laughter fills the air. Book's colleagues appreciate his humor, and together they celebrate the next chapter with a lighthearted gathering and, of course, a slice of farewell cake.


Author's note:  I hope you liked it... I know it's short  and I'm sorry for it but Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕✌🏻

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