She couldn't deny that he was cute, but she did her best to push the butterflies away. This was a job when it came down to it, and the last thing she wanted to do was overreact with excitement and just be a total fan girl. Yes, a lot of her characters scenes were with Sejanus, but she did also have more than a few scenes with Coriolanus too.

"Luna!" She was pulled from her thoughts when she looked up and saw Rachel speed-walking towards her.

Luna stood up and the 2 women immediately embraced. An outsider would think they'd been friends for years, when in reality it hadn't even been a month.

"I'm so excited to work with you!" Luna gushed, not able to contain her smile.

"I was just gonna say the same thing about working with you!"

This was yet another moment Luna was so so happy she took the role.

As they walked around doing mostly window shopping, the 2 women talked about what scenes they were most excited to film. Definitely adding to the excitement was the fact that they were already fans of the books.

Before they knew it, the rest of the time had gone by and it was time to meet up with Josh and Tom for dinner.

"I'm so glad we're able to do this," Luna speaks up as they walk towards the restaurant.

"Oh I know! This'll be my last chance to hang out before we actually start to film. I'm still doing Snow White until the day before. I'm so jealous though I hear most of the main cast and tributes are flying out for like a week before for cast bonding."

When they entered the restaurant, their attention was caught as Josh called out Rachel's name. After giving Rachel a kiss, he immediately greets Luna and pulls her in for a hug. Rachel let it slip that he was excited to get to work with her since he was a big fan, and he reiterated that.

"Your guys' first scene is together right?" Rachel asked.  While her first scene was the start of the games, Josh and Luna's first scene was a moment with their characters before the reaping starts.

"Sorry just had to step out for a call," all 3 heads turned to see Tom Blyth approaching, sliding his phone into his pocket.

It sounds beyond cheesy to say, but for a good second, Luna felt like she was stunned into silence. Pictures didn't do him justice, Tom was somehow even more handsome in person.

"Hi, I'm Tom," he smiled at her. Tom would admit much later on, that he had pretty much the same visible reaction and thoughts as Luna did.

"I'm Luna, it's so nice to meet you!"

They hugged, and finally the 4 sat down. It was a booth, and Tom and Rachel sat opposite Luna and Josh. After everyone's drink and food orders were taken, they conversed with the person sitting next to them.

Luna and Josh talked about how they were excited, but nervous to film. Since they played a couple, a few of their major scenes were together just the 2 of them, which helped their nerves. They both agreed that the hardest scene to film emotionally was going to be Sejanus' execution.

Once food arrived, it was mostly silent as they all dug in. When the check came, Tom insisted on treating everyone.

As they exited the restaurant, the 4 of them stood outside as they hugged and said their goodbyes. After Luna got Tom and Josh's numbers, Rachel asked if she needed a ride back to her hotel. They were staying about 20 minutes from where she was staying, but insisted it wouldn't be a problem.

"Oh it's okay! I was going to call an Uber."

"Where are you staying?" Tom asked.

When Luna told him the name of the hotel, his face lit up in recognition.

"I'm staying just down the street. I can just give you a ride back."

It was then Luna realized it made sense that he'd drive. Out of the 4 of them, he was the only native Brit, and after all they were in London.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble."

Tom shook his head. "It's fine I promise. I have to pass your hotel anyway." Luna once again felt those butterflies as he smiled at her.

Rachel mentioned earlier that she was leaving London the next morning to go finish Snow White. After she and Luna both excitedly agreed to a girls day once they were both in Poland, Luna and Josh made plans to meet up once back in New York so they could go over some of their characters scenes together before rehearsals with everyone else.

Eventually, Rachel and Josh walked off in the opposite direction of Tom and Luna.

"My cars this way," Tom tilted his head.

They'd only walked a few steps when Luna commented on how crowded it was. The restaurant was right in the middle of a huge mall, but the amount of people walking around still took her by surprise.

Almost as if to prove her point, a big group exited a store right as Luna and Tom were about to pass the doors. Instinct caused her to put her hand on his arm.

"Sorry," she laughed, "it's a habit when I'm in a crowd."

Tom, ever the gentleman, held his arm out. For what felt like the hundredth time that night, Luna tried her best to ignore that warm feeling as she holds his arm while they walked, and again when he opened the car door for her.

When they pulled up to Luna's hotel, she couldn't help but wish the night wasn't ending, or that she was staying further away so the drive would've been longer.

"Thanks for bringing me back," she smiles. Damn those butterflies, she thinks to herself when he once again gets out first and goes around to open her door.

"Would you want to get lunch tomorrow? I know you head back to the states tomorrow night so it's okay if you can't, but I'd love to talk more before you leave." Tom silently hopes that she can't hear how nervous he just was to ask her that. The smile on her face after he asks, steals his breath for a moment.

Luna nods, "my flight is a red eye so I'm free all day. I'd love to get lunch, what time?"

Tom pauses to think. "I could pick you up at eleven? Maybe a little earlier? My mum was telling me about a summer farmers market not too far from here. She said there's also supposed to be good food, we could walk around for a bit and get something to eat?"

After Luna's face lights up at the mention of the farmers market, Tom makes a mental note to thank his mum for mentioning it.

"I love that, yes it sounds like fun! You have my number now so you can just text me maybe a thirty minute heads up?"

Once they finalize tomorrow's plans, Tom says he'll get going so that they can both get some rest after a long day. When Luna finally makes it back to her hotel room, she finds herself smiling nonstop, wishing it were already the next day.

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