Bar Shots

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"Yeah dad! Give me a few more minutes!"

Shit. Oh no. Oh boy.

Okay, so maybe you completely forgot about your coat because you left in such a rush. The thing is, it's not like really your coat, it's actually your dad's and it's your favorite so you don't really have anymore coats for yourself. Okay, you do but not as nice and cozy as that one which you basically wear all the time when it's cold out, which your dad would totally notice and ask about since you were literally wearing it last night for the dinner. Fuck, you're screwed. You quickly text Jisoo back in your panic for a solution.


"Fuck I really need to go shopping." you say as you stuff your mouth with Fruitloops and throw away the box. You should probably get a decent meal later. You grab your keys from the counter when you feel your phone vibrates on your back pocket.

Jennie(2:17pm): Omg

Jennie(2:17pm): I really need that coat back. Fuck.

Jisoo(2:18pm): u know, u didn't have to leave ur coat as an excuse to comeback ;) 

Jennie(2:18pm): it's not! I really left it! And I really REALLY need it like ASAP. 

Jisoo(2:19pm): why the rush? Can't wait to see me again?

You chuckle as you take the coat and bring it with you as you leave your apartment and head downstairs.

Jennie(2:20pm): Dang it Jisoo! It's important!

You put her coat on as you start walking down the street. Important huh? You feel something in one of the pockets in it and take it out curiously. A card?

Jack Kim, Chairman/CEO at Kim Industries.

Who the hell is Jack Kim? You shove it back in the coats pocket and head out. It's pretty chilly today and very cloudy but you're not one to get cold. You kind of like bad weather, not many people are on the streets. Your phone starts to ring and you see that it's Jennie.

"Jennnnnn, what a surprise." you smirk.

"Jisoo, what are we gonna do?! I need that coat like right now, but I can't go get it cause my dad will notice and if he notices he's gonna start asking and if he asks I'm gonna get caught in my lie from last night and I'll be toast and I'll never see the light of day again and-"

"Woah, slow down there, speedy."

You hear Jennie take in a deep breath and whine. "Help."

You stop walking and look over at a cab parked by the street. I'm gonna regret this. "Where are you right now?"

"In my house, why?" 

"Where's that?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"For Christ's sake Babe you already know where I live, just tell me." 

"Marsway Street, 214. Why?"

"Stay there."

You hang up and head to the cab across the street. The things you do for this girl.


"Jennie! What's taking so long? It's gonna start to rain soon." 

"On my way!"

Shit just say you lost it or something. Come on Jennie you're a smart girl. You start heading downstairs when you hear someone knocking on the door.

"I'll get it!" your dad yells out as he goes to open the door.

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