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Characters: album, cyril, albums mom(nix), prolly William,

It had been years now, álbum had been trained a bit more and at the age of 17 he took his fathers place as the duke, he stayed dull though his eyes stayed empty ever scense the day his father died and tehy grew darker once he was betrayed again and found out everything.

At one point, Cyril had been Albums best friend. A prince of the Empire of Xera, your fiancé, your childhood friend. Your everything. It all changed when his father killed yours. And album, the child of a duke, was forced to step up.

"Our marriage will be beneficial to me," Cyril says neutrally, chin on his palm. "I have no reason to annul it." He acts as though their friendship had never meant anything. Like it wasn't his father that'd ruined the two of them.

he stared at cyril and then looked at his mother who was sat like a puppet full of anger as she stared at album, he slowly looked back at Cyril

Cyril meets albums gaze without wavering, with his dagger pointed at him, as if he's daring album to make his move. The fire in his eyes burns like the fires of hell itself.

The look on albums mother's face is a cold, hateful glare. It's a look album was no stranger to. The look of a mother who has been pushed too far.

album stared at cyril blinking his eyes completely empty and numb full of nothingness just a void, he looked to the side his face neutral, he loved his father to the ends of the earth and back he was the one who taught him everything he knew now that he was gone album was just numb and....daad.?
Cyril's eyebrows lower, his expression darkening as album keep staring him down. He almost seems amused and almost impressed by his lack of emotion. He'd known album to be a timid person, but now...he seems almost completely unfazed by the dagger he's pointing at his chest, as if he can't possibly care if he died.

It's a bold move, he'd give him that. album looked at the wall he was pressed against he had gotten ambushed by his mother and Cyril as they tried to take his throne and make Cyril the duke by marriage.
The room is eerily silent, the tension between him and Cyril growing with each passing second, as he and Cyril both stare at each other like hungry predators. It feels like the air in the room grows thicker with each breath he takes.

Cyril's grip tightens around his dagger, but he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to use it. He's enjoying this too much, almost admiring the way albums not even flinching from his dagger, not even trying to save himself in any way.

albums dull blue eyes that used to shine like stars darkened from a brute blue to a ugly grey blue the sparks gone and every emotion gone, he wanted to die at this point

Cyril frowns slightly when he sees the spark in his eyes dimmed, but he pushes that feeling aside immediately. In place of feeling any kind of remorse, he instead feels nothing. No pity, no sadness, no emotions.

He leans forward slightly. "Look at you," he says, almost amused by his expressionlessness. "Look at you. You're like a little puppet with no strings. Pathetic."
his eyes were on the dagger most the time but he slowly looked up his head tilted as he stared at Cyril, he looked to the left his gaze unecknowledgeable of Cyril

Cyril's eyes narrow as he watches him, as if he's trying to figure out his true thoughts and motives. But he can't, so he settles on an annoyed expression.

"The fact you can't even look me in the eyes is the most pathetic part of this situation." Albums lack of emotional responses makes him angry. Anger brings out a dark and ugly side in him.

Album smirked "How you couldn't look me in the eyes whne you spilled your guts about being in love with me last month?"

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