The everyday life of Saph

Start from the beginning

"Hey Bella!!" I shout in greeting

"Shhhh!" The librarian shushes me even though she had a little smile on her face.

"Hey Saph" Bella replies quieter. There's a small frown on her face so I immediately jump to just about a thousand conclusions,
Did she get in trouble?

Was someone mean to her?

Did something happen to her?

"Oh god, what happened??" I ask frantically.

"Nothing... its just Mucus won't stop teasing me..." Bella replies.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I snarl half to myself.

"Saph it's fine, I promise I just hope he stops!" She tries to console me.

"Fine... get ready to see a polkadotted Mucus tomorrow." I agree.

We end up changing the conversation to books we'd like to read. We talked about random things afterwords until I realized it was supper time at the great hall.

"We're gonna miss dinner!" I yelp to Bella.

"Come on!" I grab her hand and drag her out of the library.

We arrive at the great hall to see everyone eating and talking so no one really notices us come in.

"See ya Bell!" I call as we walk off to our separate tables.

"Hey Saph!" Kitty greets.

"Hey guys!" I reply then I lean in and whisper; "wanna prank Mucus tonight?"

"Yes!" Snitch whisper shouts back.

"Obviously!" Answers Moony.

"Duh!" Kitty ends the vote. We all smile at each other and keep whispering about the plan.

After dinner we did our homework then immediately got some sleep we planed a huge prank on the whole school! It would most likely take all night.

~Time lapse to prank~

We were all in costume and ready to go.

"Ready?" I ask, I get answered by a chorus of 'ready'.

"Let's do this thing!" We had mapped out the routes we were going to take using our dad's old map.

We set off first to the Ravenclaw dorms.

Once there Moon whipped out her wand and made every Ravenclaws skin turn dark blue with bronze pokadots. We muffled our snickers and left.

Next stop? Hufflepuff.

Moon repeated the process of changing their skin to their house colors. Kitty and Snitch we're busy spray painting 'MASQUERADES' on the walls of the last two houses.

Next was Gryffindor.

Moon did her job again and I asked her to not cover Bella in dots she agreed but was very curious to why. Kitty and snitch also did their job.

Next was Slytherin. Yes, we were pranking our own house.

It was obviously easiest to prank our own house because we knew everything about it.

We finished our house next on to the grand hall.

We were sneaking into the hall when we saw Peeves, the school poltergiest dancing on the tables. We usually tried to avoid him because we didn't know if he would recognize us, and If he did would he keep our secret?

We tried to sneak in but he spotted us his eyes grew wide at the sight of the school pranksters.

"Oh my! The Masquerades the girls that might be topping my act!?" He gasps.

"Do you wanna help with the prank?" I ask him.

"Of course! I've been so bored lately!" He informs us "what can do?"

"You can get these streamers strung up on the ceiling." Kitty pulls the pink and purple streamers out of her bag.

"Oh goodie!" Peeves snatches them but does as we ask. Maybe this will be easier then we thought.

Kitty tosses the rest of us cans of pink and purple spray paint.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Let's do this." Snitch answers for the group.

We start at the doodles of our nicknames. We knew Dumbledore could clean all this up with a flick of his wand. And plus whenever we pull a prank he has this small amused smirk on his face.

We finished and wrote MASQUERADES in a pattern of pink purple pink purple on the wall.

Peeves finished to and we smiled at each other in pranking joy. Peeves gave us a salut and disappeared we knew the salut meant he was on our side. When he disappeared we high fived and giggled back to our dorm.

We finished the prank at 5 AM so we knew there wasn't much point in going to sleep so we just put on our uniforms and a bunch of concealer so no one saw our under eye circles.

Now I know what your thinking, won't it be suspicious if you guys are the only ones not polkadotted? No because in slytherin we left out us and this kid named Draco, in Gryffindor we left Bella and her dorm mates, in Ravenclaw we left this guy Ryder Thomas and his dorm mates (Moony's friends) and last in Hufflepuff we left this guy's named Nicholas Lawrence and his dorm mates.


when we finished getting ready we just talked about what we thought the schools reaction would be to the prank.

"I bet Mucus's face is gonna be priceless!" Snitch deducted.

"I agree!" Laughs Moony.

Snitch mimics what she thinks Mucus's face is going to look like with wide eyes and a surprised mouth.

We laugh and talk a little more until we have to go to breakfast.

Everyone from all the houses walk in with a sort of embarrassed slump about them.

They gasp at the sight of the hall.

"Now, no need to panic, we will soon find out who is in the Masquerades and give them a life's worth of detention!" Mcgonagall consoles us students.

Dumbledore flicks his wand to clean the hall.

"I'm afraid I can not fix your skin because of the spell. Who ever cast the spell is very smart." He says that and Moony tries not to glow with pride.

I glance at Peeves who is listening in and give him a slight nod in thanks. He returns the gesture but with a discreet salute then disappears.

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