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Wren frantically tossed her blankets off of the bed in the hotel room.
   She couldn't find bunny anywhere.
And Billie was asleep so she couldn't go down to the car to look.
   "Wren honey what's wrong. Why are you breathing so hard?" Billie sleepily asked while sitting up.
   "Can't find bunny." She sniffled, sitting in the floor and tucking her head into her arms. 
   "No no. Don't cry. Did you check under the bed?" Billie got off of the bed and looked underneath it. It was completely empty underneath the bed.
"You stay here okay bunny? I'll go check in the car. It's raining." Billie kissed her little on the nose and put her jacket and shoes on before trotting out the door.
She got off the elevator and walked out into the wet, windy mess and found the pink rabbit lying there in the mud.
It was so dirty and mucky.
She snatched it off of the sopping wet ground and took it inside.
"Hey pumpkin. I found bunny but she's all dirty. I'm gonna clean it, bunny will be better in no time I promise."
Wren hiccuped and sniffled, her worry only growing when she couldn't hold her bunny.
Billie tossed the bunny into the washing machine and went to cuddle her sad little.
"I know it sucks princess. Bunny will be better soon I promise. She'll be all clean and ready to snuggle." Billie cooed, using her hand to wipe away any stray tears that made their way onto Wrens face.
A few hours later Billie was making dinner for the two while wren was on the couch with her pink, fuzzy bunny.
  She way way happier with her bunny now.
It was all clean and smelled exactly like Billie.
    "Pumpkin. Pasta is ready." Billie said while plating the food and placing it on the table.
   "Yayyy!" Wren jumped off of the couch, leaving her bunny behind so she didn't get it all messy with pasta sauce.
   "Eat quick. We gotta get baths and then head home. We have a very long drive." Billie chuckled.
    "Okie mama."

  Billie finally loaded everything into the car and buckled wren into her seat before climbing in and leaving Vegas behind.
    "Mama. Can I have my tablet? Please." Wren yawned.
    "Yeah pumpkin here you go." Billie glacéd in the mirror while handing the little her ipad.
   "Thank you mama."
"You're welcome pumpkin. You need to sleep soon. It's past your nap time."
   Once they arrived in La Billie unloaded everything from the car before finally taking her little out.
   The reason she waited so long was because wren was sleeping peacefully in the air conditioned car and Billie didn't want to disturb her because she was getting a little motion sick from the car ride.
   Billie carried wren to their shared bedroom and tucked her in, turning the ac on medium before closing the door and going to unpack everything.
    Wren didn't wake up for another few hours so Billie used that time to get work and cleaning done before dinner time.

Little space; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now