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"I know this sucks baby. We're gonna be home soon." Billie sighed while looking at her little.
"I'm so tired mama." She yawned, rubbing her eyes.
"I know I know baby. I'm gonna call the tow truck right now so we can go home and nap."
    Billie was extremely frustrated with the fact that her car has been acting up and the one time she wanted to spend the day with her little it doesn't want to start.
    "How about we count how many red cars we see, hm?" Billie said while rubbing Wrens shoulder.
    "I see one red car." Wren yawned while pointing to the truck pulling up behind them.
   "That's the tow truck baby. You're so smart for pointing that out."


"There you go baby now you can sleep." Billie said while rubbing the girls back.
   Wren laid her head down on Billie's lap while they watched hotel Transylvania until wren fell peacefully asleep.
    And when she woke up Claudia was there with her, no sign of Billie. Just Claudia.
   "Good nap?" She smiled while handing wren her cup of apple juice.
    "Mhm. Where's Billie?" She yawned, accepting the drink.
   "She didn't tell you? She had a hair appointment. She's just getting a tiny bit cut off." Claudia said while bringing wrens coloring books to the bed.


Billie walked in the bedroom and caught wrens attention almost instantly, Wrens eyes shooting wide open when she saw Billie's hair.
   "Your hair is... red!" She screamed, running up to Billie.
   "Do you like it pumpkin?"
"Yes mama. I love it." She smiled, hugging Billie tightly.
   "I want... red hair too." Wren smiled while playing with Billie's hair.
    "Do you? That's okay with me pumpkin. I can take you next week."

•the next day•

"Time to wake up bunny. We have work to do." Billie whispered, pushing the loose hairs away from her littles face.
     "Hm. Mama." She hummed.
"I know you're still sleepy. You can sleep on the way I promise." Billie whispered. Placing a kiss on her head before leaving the bedroom.
    Wren got up and went into the bathroom with brush her teeth and hair before going back to the bedroom where Billie had laid out an outfit for the very hot day.
After wren changed she went down to meet Billie in the kitchen for breakfast.
"I knew you'd like that outfit pumpkin."
After breakfast they loaded things into the car and began the 6 hour road trip.
"Mama. My ipad died." Wren whiled from the backseat, only an hour into the car ride.
"Your phone is fully charged. Here you go." Billie grabbed the phone off of the charger and handed it to the little.
Another hour passed and they stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom and get some snacks.
"All done love?" Billie asked while grabbing the littles hand.
"Yeah mama. I sleepy now."
Wren rubbed her pink bunny on her face as they walked into the parking lot to get back in the car.
"Let me get your blanket from the bag."

Little space; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now