Chapter 3: Grounded

Start from the beginning

"Just be safe okay?" Lauren said, pulling Glenn into a tight hug.

A wolf whistle rang out from behind them. "Hot damn," Merle drawled. "Do I get a hug like that 'fore I go?"

"Shut up Merle." Glenn called back.

Lauren simply rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath as she walked away. "Asshole."

"This is Officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting to Person Unknown, please respond." Lauren saw Shane speaking into the old radio as she approached the camp. "He's gone."

"What's going on?" She questioned, setting down the buckets of water she had collected from the quarry.

"Someone came in on the radio. Said they were headed towards the city." Shane said. "We lost em."

"I've been saying for a week that we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city." Lori said.

Amy nodded in agreement. "Folks got no idea what they're gettin' into."

"Well, that's a luxury we can't afford." Shane said. "We ain't got the time."

Lori placed her hands on her hips. "I think we need to make time."

"She's right." Lauren agreed.

"And who the hell do you propose we send?" Dale chimed in.

"I'll go." Lauren immediately volunteered. "Give me a vehicle." She bitterly directed the last words at Shane. He had refused to let her leave the camp multiple times and she was still pissed.

He shook his head. "Nobody goes anywhere alone. You know that."

Lauren rolled her eyes and stormed off towards her tent. She kept walking, hearing Shane following her.

"What, you're pissed at me?" He called from behind her. " You can be pissed at me all you want. It's not gonna change anything."

Still angry, Lauren unzipped the tent and began shuffling through her bag. Shane entered the tent after her, lowering his voice.

"I'm not putting you in danger, okay? I'm not doing it for anything." Shane lectured. "I make you feel like sometimes you wanna slap me upside the head? I'll tell you what, girl. If you feel that need, you go right ahead. I'm right here."

Upon hearing the offer, she quickly whipped around, giving him a half-assed smack on the side of his head. He looked at her, a bit taken aback. He clearly didn't expect her to actually take him up on that. Lauren glared back for a moment before they both broke. A small smile appeared on Lauren's face as she let out a small laugh.

"You feel better?" He asked.

"A little." She smirked. After the giggles died down, he became serious again.

"Look, you can take care of yourself. I know that. But I've been lookin out for you since you were five years old. It's a hard habit to break." He smiled softly. Lauren knew Shane was only trying to protect her, but god he was so irritating sometimes. She wasn't five anymore. "Look, if you won't do it for me, or for yourself, do it for Carl. That kid worships the ground you walk on. And you and Lori are the only family he has left. So be safe okay?"

"Okay." Lauren begrudgingly agreed, giving Shane a quick hug before exiting the tent. Lori entered the tent on Lauren's way out, presumably about to get a similar lecture.

Lauren couldn't take it anymore, Amy was killing her. Daryl had taken Tank with him overnight and her best friend was out on a run without her. So she had nothing to do but listen to Amy worry.

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