Kamaria pulled down on her dress as America lead her into the club. She used her hands to lay down on her brazilian bust down as America giggled anxious to get a drink. "We're getting so drunk tonight!!" She squealed in excitement and Kamaria groaned.

"Stop being a buzzkill Maria! We're trying to get you laid" America says rolling her eyes and Kamaria shoots her a look. "I want to be asleep! Fuck are you going on about?" The 24 year old Aquarius whined as she is sat at the bar. "Fuck sleep." America said laughing contact high from the air. "I hate you" Kamaria groaned as Merica ordered them shots

"Love you too cunt"

Oakley Neil H.T Ceaser-Su Perspective

Cench walked into the club trailing behind Wadz and Ant annoyed. He'd rather be literally anywhere else but here and it was fucking agitating the shit out of him. The three men are led into a section of the club and they take their seats as a woman immediately hands them drinks. Cee pulls out his phone as he had been anxiously waiting on news from that shipment he had coming in today. "Get off your fucking phone man" Wadz says annoyed at his behavior as he sips his henny.

"Our stupid ass shipment is five hours off of the scheduled time so respectfully fuck off mate" Cench answers coldly and Wadz just sighs as Ant looks anywhere but they're direction. "Loveeeeee Song" By Future and Rihanna plays through the club speakers as Cench gets up to get another drink, not having a taste for the one he had. He wades through the crowd of people and his eyes lands on one particular female.

"No fucking way"

Third Person Omniscient

Cench's eyes lingered on Kamaria's curvy body as she danced on the dance floor. Kamaria took another shot not even aware of her ex's eyes on her. She felt two hands on her waist and she turned seeing this random but handsome man smiling at her. She shrugged giving him consent to dance with her and Oakleys to whole heart went aflame. His jaw clenched as he watched her grind on the chiseled looking man.

"I'll kill him" he mutters walking up to the people on the dancefloor. He makes his way to her grabbing her arm and Kamaria jerks it away out of fear. She gasps at the sudden feeling but relaxes as she notices the familiar pair of warm brown eyes. "Oh heyy!" She says tipsily slurring a bit and he rolls his eyes as the man eyes him.

"This your bitch?" He says and Kamaria frowns. Wasn't he just feeling up on her? What she do? "Call her a bitch one more time and-Or what?" The man interrupts Oakleys sentence making him darkly chuckle and he lands a hard punch to the man's jaw. Kamaria mutters an "oh shit" under her breath as Cench grabs the man by his shirt pinning him against the ball as he goes in on his face.

Should Kamaria be liking this right now?

Cause she totally was

Cee laughed sadistically as he dropped the man kicking him in the rib cage making him gasp out in pain and spit out blood. "Call my girl a bitch again and next time I won't be merciful" He says through gritted teeth and the man nods immediately. "Pussy" He says as he latches his arms onto Kamaria's wrist making her wince from the not fresh but still paining cuts.

"Damn nigga! Let me go!" She says as he drags to the back of the club. He finally stops and he stares at the very skintight dress that clung onto every inch of her body and sighs already feeling some type of erect. She notices him staring and she tries to contain her drunk laughter. "This shits fucking funny huh?" He says eyeing her agitatedly and she nods not even caring for his opinion anymore. "Being a slut is funny to you right?" He says mockingly and her whole face drops.

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