Where the fuck are you Kamaria?

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"He killed him! He deserves it America!" Kamaria screamed as America shook her head. "He's a kid Maria! Please I don't want you to go to jail!" America sobbed begging her friend as Kamaria shook with anger. "He stopped being a kid to me when he took my brothers life. I have to go" Maria said grabbing her loaded gun off the table leaving the apartment. America's eyes scattered across the trashed apartment until she laid eyes on her phone immediately picking it up. She scrolled though her contacts as her hands shook pressing on the contact name.

"Yo" Oakley's voice said through the phone as America sobbed. "Merica?? What's wrong??" He says furrowing his brows through the phone and putting it on speaker so Walid and Ant could hear. "It's Kamaria. She's going to do something she's going to regret!" she says desperately trying to track her friends location. "Tell me what happened America" Walid says and his voice soothes her mind a little.

"It all started when..."

Kamaria and America walked into Maria's apartment laughing hard over random shit. Kamaria grabbed her key about to open her door when she realized it was already open. Her and America looked at each other confused but America just shrugged strolling in. Kamaria hesitantly walked in setting her bags down on the counter when she felt rough calloused hands grab her by the mouth.

She gasped as she is thrown down to floor and she hears her best friend scream from the other room. She looks up to be met with this tall figure with a ski mask on as her head rang in pain. "Who are you?" she asks them confused and the man takes his ski mask making Kamaria's heart drop.

Digga smirked down on her as America was dragged into the room by another masked person. "Please. We won't say anything just let us go" Merica pleaded and Kamaria nodded as they tied her up. "Shut the fuck up" Rhys said as Kamaria stares at the other man in her apartment.

He felt familiar.

She knew him. She had to. That insidious feeling crept in her bones as the other man finally laid his eyes on her. "Fuck is you looking at?" he says and Kamaria suddenly felt like throwing up. "It's you" she whispered and the guy tensed up from in front of her. "What do you-Take off your mask Asante" she says as anger bubbles through her body.He kept quiet not noticing America quietly grab the small knife from her jean pocket. "Take off your fucking mask!" Maria screamed as tears built up in her eyes.

How did they get here?

"Rhys I don't want to do this man. He's my best friend" Asante says nervously as he was handed a gun. "Do you want in or not Sante" Digga said and Asante sighed still unsure. "When Jamir comes up behind the corner start shooting. Try not to hit randoms" Digga said handing him the bullets and Asante looked up at his older brother unsurely.

Digga patted his younger brother's back not caring about the tears stinging Asante's eyes.

He didn't want to do this.

Jamir walked on the corner talking on the phone with somebody and Asante froze. His hands shook on the trigger as Rhys grabbed the boy's hand and shot Jamir. Gunshots rung through the air as Digga continued to shoot, hitting Kamaria as well.

Blood gushed out of Jamiir's chest as everyone around him just stared not willing to help the young boy and Rhys smirked. Asante just stood there in total shock as Kamaria sprinted over cradling her younger brother.

Asante watched as his best friend gurgled up puddles of red as his sister tried to get him to respond to her. She screeched as the light left Jamiir's eyes and everything seemed to drown out as Kamaria was ripped away from the scene. Kamaria sobbed and Asante felt horrible within himself. He stared at Kamaria and she looked up making eye contact with the young boy before his older brother pulled him in a sprinter.

"I fucking fed you...I helped you with your homework, I sat you down at my fucking table and let you in my house! How could you!!" Kamaria screamed at the younger boy who wanted desperately to not be in this situation. America finally got herself free after using the knife to gnaw at the rope and she sat in the same position as Kamaria continued to scream at the boy. She scooted closer making her way closer to Rhys and before he knows it she stabs him in the foot.

He screams in pain as he drops his gun and Asante turns around as America grabs it. He charges for her but she kicks him in the balls and he crouches in pain. She slides the knife to Kamaria as Digga tries to grab the gun. She headbutts him pushing him away from her and she punches him in the nose. Asante comes up behind her tackling her and Kamaria finally gets free jumping into action as she uses the rope to tie around Asante's neck pulling him back.

He immediately grips his neck as America finally gets her hands on the gun. Rhys comes back to her and she uses the heavy pistol to whip in his face knocking him out. Kamaria starts to punch Asante hard over and over again until America finally pulls her back. "What are you doing?!?!" Kamaria says turning to her best friend. "You're going to kill him!" America argued back and the two started to shout at the other not realizing the boy who had slipped out of the apartment.

Kamaria turned around noticing how quiet it got and she groaned. "Great! Now he's gone America!" she screams putting her wrists to her eyes to stop the tears. America just stood their unsure of what to do as Kamaria paced the room. She wipes at her eyes stopping for a moment but then walking into her bedroom. America followed her curiously and she immediately shook her head at what she saw.

"No" she said as Kamaria loaded her gun. "He killed my brother" Kamaria says letting her judgment get the best of her and America shook her head once more. "Kam he's a child. Don't do this" she said trying to reach for the gun and Kamaria shoved her off pushing her to the floor.

"Im begging you Kam, please! Don't do this!" America says as Kamaria makes her way to the living room and Merica gets up following her."Kam put the gun down" America said cautiosuly trying not to upset her friend and Kamaria finally turned to look at her. "He killed him! He deserves it America!" Kamaria screamed as tears flowed down her face and America shook her head. "He's a kid Maria! Please I don't want you to go to jail!" America sobbed begging her friend as Kamaria shook with anger. "He stopped being a kid to me when he took my brothers life. I have to go" Maria said grabbing her loaded gun off the table leaving the apartment.

"Please you guys have to find her! She's going to do something utterly stupid!" America sobbed after recalling what had happened. A simple 'fuck' was all Oakley let out as Walid promised to America he was on the way to track Kamaria and Ant immediately tried calling the girl just for it to go to voicemail.

Oakley got out of the building and immediately went on his personal phone dialing the number he knew by heart.

"Kamaria where the fuck are you?"


hey yall

i got this random ass idea to make this story a short story so be prepared for actual chaos in the next few chaps🤗

but hruuu???

any comments or suggestions???

I love you guysss🤎🤍❤️

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