#1 | Surprise Visitor |

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[ Y/n's P.O.V ]

You were in bed, tired because of posing, modelling is really hard, the postures are really hard to perfect so it takes many takes so you had to make different postures to get the perfect photo, your cameraman could've just told you how to pose but him being lazy told you that it's better if you pose on your own which turned out horribly, you called your manager, aka your bestie, she immediately picked up.

Y/n: hello, jiwoo.
Jiwoo: yea, is everything okay? You sound tired.
Y/n: the cameraman's not doing his job properly.
Jiwoo: you should've told me, I would've fired him and got you a new cameraman.
Y/n: I know but I wanted to rest so I just managed.
Jiwoo: * sighs * next time tell me okay?
Y/n: yea sure.

You hung up and threw your phone on the bed next to you, you opened your eyes when you realised what date it was today, January 21st 2024, you looked at your schedule and saw that you need to go to the airport in an hour, jiwoo didn't tell you because she probably thought that you knew already, you got up and got your stuff packed, you then showered and chose your outfit, hairstyle and accessories.

Your outfit and accessories:

Your outfit and accessories:

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Your hairstyle:

You walked downstairs with your suitcase, you saw all your maids and butlers Bowing down at you, you smiled gently and bowed back, you walked towards the car and got in, you sat there, reading a book on your phone while going to the airport, you m...

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You walked downstairs with your suitcase, you saw all your maids and butlers Bowing down at you, you smiled gently and bowed back, you walked towards the car and got in, you sat there, reading a book on your phone while going to the airport, you made it to the airport, you grabbed your suitcase, you saw your bodyguards already there, you started walking with your sunglasses on, everyone started screaming your name and tried to get past the bodyguards, you noticed a little girl getting pushed by other people while the girl tried searching for her mum, you went towards the girl and toke her out from the crowd you then said.

Y/n: has anyone seen this little girl's mum?
Lady: oh yes thank you for finding her.

The lady said kindly smiling at you and leavening, you smiled back and started walking again as the crowd continued screaming, you made it inside the plane, finally some peace and quiet, you closed your eyes and sleep on your way to Korea, you were woken up by a flight attendant.

FA: Miss, we've landed.
Y/n: oh sorry.
FA: no worries ma'am, you must be tired, have a great trip miss.
Y/n: thank you.

You said and left, you saw jiwoo smiling at you while holding your suitcase, you went towards her and grabbed your suitcase from her, she insisted on taking the suitcase by you didn't need anyone doing anything for you, jiwoo sighed and nodded understandingly, you both then started walking towards the airport door, your bodyguards surrounded you, as soon as you entered a crowd formed around you, screaming your name, your bodyguards were being pushed and shoved, you had enough so you shouted.

Y/n: stop!, can't a woman live in peace, even when she's not modelling, Jesus Christ you guys act like animals, shoving and pushing each other, especially my bodyguards, even the people in America are much better than y'all.

You said and started walking again, this time paparazzi surrounded you, there weren't many of them so you didn't really mind until one tried getting into your car to film you, you shoved the camera off your face glaring at the guy, he then left in fear, you sighed, you didn't care if you'd lose your career, you needed space and they needed to respect it, you reached your parents house, also the lee house, yes, they lived together, you hated living with them because of how annoying Lee know is, you walked towards the door and rang the doorbell, soon mrs.Lee opened the door, she squealed in excitement and hugged you tightly.

[ lee know's P.O.V ]

I was playing video games when the doorbell rang, I didn't bother opening the door since I knew my mom would open it, she suddenly squealed in excitement, I was confused, nothing made her this excited, I got up and went it to check what it is, mum was hugging a girl, and it was y/n, my jaw dropped, she looked so different and hot, I've never thought of going to her insta since well, she told me she's work at a cafè, I went towards them and pulled my mum away to take a closer look, she backed away from me when I came really close to her face.

Lee know: y/n? Is that really you?
Y/n: yea, huge glow up right?
Lee know: yea, you did, you look prettier now.
Y/n: so I was always pretty?
Lee know: no you were ugly, very ugly.
Y/n: ouch * fake hurt *

Lee know rolled his eyes and walked away, he ran to his room and closed the door, he held his chest feeling his heart beat fasten, his felt his pants get tight, he looked down and his eyes widened seeing his member awaken, he was turned on by his fucking childhood enemy, he groaned and went to the bathroom to solve his problem

/ meanwhile with you /

You were talking with Mrs.Lee when you heard faint groans, you heard your name being moaned, luckily Mrs.Lee didn't hear it, your cheeks heated up when Lee know came down sweaty, he glanced at you, looking you up and down again, this time with a slight smirk, your cheeks turned crimson red, reddening each second he stared at you, Mrs, Lee then suggested something.

Mrs.Lee: how about you two take a picture together?
Y/n: umm sure, but I like taking mirror pictures.
Mrs.Lee: oh there's a big mirror in Lee know's room.
Y/n: oh ok, thanks.

Mrs.Lee smiled and looked at lee know to lead you to his room, he nodded, he toke you to his room, he closed the door so the led light would be more brighter, you stood infront of his mirror while he came behind you.

Y/n: since you're more taller than me, you hold the phone and take the picture.
Lee know: fine.

He toke your phone, he covered his face with the phone while you placed your arm on his shoulder and covered your mouth with your hand, Lee know snaked his hand around your waist, he clicked the picture.

Y/n: umm do you mind if I take a solo pic?
Lee know: sure you can take one.

You smiled and toke your solo pic, Lee know asked you to send him the photo, but you needed to use the bathroom so you asked him to send it to himself, he added his number and sent the photo to himself, he smirked and sent more photos of you to him, he saved them in his gallery and quickly deleted them from your phone, in chat, he smirked and locked your phone, you came out and toke your phone which was now on the bed.

Y/n: hmm, I need to go to work, anyways, see you at school I guess.
Lee know: you're joining my school?
Y/n: I was always in your school, I'm still a junior tho.
Lee know: ahh ok.

You nodded and left to your modelling agency, lee know smirked and looked through the photos he sent to himself, he smirked and bit his lip, he searched you up and saw many photos of you pop up, most of them weren't as revealing as the photos you had on your phone, so he didn't even bother looking through them, he threw his phone on his bed and went towards his computer set up to play video games with Felix, he was still thinking about you, how much you've changed, how you don't fear him anymore, how you don't stutter infront of him, he bit his lip, his head fell back thinking about the things he could do to you, about having you under him, as moaning mess, he toke a gulp feeling turned on again, he shook the feeling off but he couldn't stop his desire, he smirked and decided to wait patiently

/ Authors note: /
Hello cookies, did you guys get butterflies reading this?, I hope you did, wow this chapter is very long, 1404 words, I'm shook, I will continue this book, please comment I would really appreciate it and maybe vote, thanks, see you in the next chapter, bye cookies~

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