"It was right after he ran away," Gunil whispered under his breath, everyone looked at him in unison.

He could have called him in order to say his last goodbye to him or to ask for help, but Jooyeon was too scared of confronting him. Now he regretted it at all cost. What if Jiseok killed himself?

Gunil still remembered the moment when Jiseok left the house. He slammed the door so loudly that the whole building shook. He was furious. Gunil had no idea what happened next because he knew he couldn't do anything about Jiseok leaving the apartment. He was fully prepared for this situation, but when he thought about it, he forgot about the possibility of Jiseok doing something harmful to himself when he was alone.

He didn't know anything about what happened to him after he disappeared and left the apartment.


"I didn't mean any harm." Gunil's voice echoed in Jiseok's head. He stood in his room quickly throwing the necessary items into his backpack and a few metres behind him was Gunil. 

Jiseok couldn't even think straight. His heart was beating quickly, and his presence made him feel like suffocating. He didn't care how many things he'd forgotten, and as soon as he'd slammed the door, he ran down the stairs with his full backpack and used his mobile phone to call his friend. He wanted to contact the blue-haired girl from their band.

"Tina, I can't sleep here anymore, I'm going to you." It sounded more like an order than a simple statement. He was already outside and the air blew his hair in every possible direction. The dark locks floated in the air as he waited for the girl's response.

"Wait," her voice was intrigued and nervous at the same time. She was lying on the bed in her room with her blue bass on her knees. As she deducted something weird happened again, she wasn't even questioning what exactly. "Do you need me to drive to you?"

Knowing how bad he felt for the past few days, she felt the duty to take better care of him. She was scared of what the reason behind his tight and scared voice was. Last time it was Jooyeon and now? It had to be about Gunil.

She got up from the floor and mindlessly put the guitar against the amplifier.

"Thank you, Tina..." he muttered, walking towards the bus station. "I just need a place to sleep, that's all. I'll take the bus." His shaky voice made her shiver, she could hear all the strong emotions emerging in his body despite being so far away.

"Alright, I'm waiting for you."

"Thanks. See ya." He hung up and used his hoodie to wipe away the remnants of the tears, looking at the bus schedule. He didn't have to wait for long, fortunately for him, and just sat on the bench, kicking a rock that got under his shoe.

What the hell had he just experienced? He couldn't fully believe it even though he knew that in the end, he would have to come to terms with reality.

His thoughts were flooding in too quickly to process. He felt betrayed, hurt, and confused, and he couldn't understand how and why Gunil had acted the way he did. 

He kept replaying his memories with Gunil when they talked about the whole situation and couldn't figure out what had gone wrong. How did he not notice that Gunil were the one they were talking about all the time?

He had been so blind that he hadn't noticed anything before Gunil told him how it really was.

The bus took him close to Tina's apartment and the first thing he did after greeting her was take out his phone and call another person.

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