(an odd signature at five-four...)

92 3 22

LOCATION: Penacony, Asdana Star System
OBJECTIVE: Classified information. Major project manager positions open.
OPERATIVE(S): [ ... ]

        The properties of chalcedony induce serenity and strength in one's voice, one's reason, and eases every knot and twist complicating an individual's mass of problems

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The properties of chalcedony induce serenity and strength in one's voice, one's reason, and eases every knot and twist complicating an individual's mass of problems... but was this, as a name—a fancy moniker, enough to dilute the hustle and bustle within the Corporation's walls?

For this Stoneheart, it seemed as if it was enough.

This one of the Ten Stonehearts, Lady Chalcedony, never encountered any problems when in view of these giants of interastral peace.

CHALCEDONY━━a P46 plenipotentiary, architectural genius, financial servant, avid fan of wine, and has the best taste in dreamy jazz and classics. That is all you needed to know about this charming woman. With her, you could find a perfect night, even for a lowlife. She'd love to take you anywhere.

Unfortunately, we're stuck in cubicles and starship seats. All we can do is watch her shimmer and shine beneath the garish, white lights and dark space, preaching ideas of libertarianistic—at this point, libertine and at times lofty—causes. Even so, she finds success in her fleeting fancies and passion projects that threaten the calm of the Interastral Peace Corporation.

A CHALCEDONIAN PHILOSOPHY━━always finish what you start, and you'll have fun for the rest of your life and do as you please.

Her passion projects and their sentiments have infected the galaxy, inside the IPC and out, such ideas of decadence and revitalization of planets without much in return other than alliance becoming something of legend in the news broadcasts and beacon journals. She's helped millions with no expectancy for anything in return, something that trifled with the IPC's values when it came to funds, infrastructure—the Preservation.

A backhanded saint, they call her, but they can't help but comply sometimes—she is persuasive as she is passionate about her goals.

Said pathos is her form of accursed mesmerism.

CHALCEDONY'S TRAP━━mesmerism akin to the love for all bejeweled things. Her words are accompanied by a more visual approach to persuasion. In her dark eyes are smoky rings, spinning and churning into a vortex that was the pupil; she could hypnotize you, knock you down. While the mesmerism was used sparingly, she targeted clients, customers, maestros. A girl played to enjoy herself, but it never hurt to win the big bucks in paradise.

(For the sake of monetary Preservation, surely. Oh, this dame was Qlipoth's most rebellious soldier...)

Caprice is commonplace with Chalcedony, and the higher-ranked bitterly watch her nurture worlds and kiss their people goodbye whenever she felt fulfilled. In spite of it all, this garnered the IPC friendships, for once—agreements across the stars—so they could never turn her down.

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