Chapter 1

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                             Ayesha Barrett

Mi honestly tired already and school just open back. The good thing about it is that I'm going to see my closest friend after she went to Kingston to spend the last month of our summer break.

"Know seh a look mi come look if yuh nuh wake yet fi gah school". Mommy said with her head poking through my door.

"Mi wake mommy. Mi just feel tired fi get up". I said frowning.

"Hurry up and get up mon. Mi make some pancakes and scrambled eggs fi yuh breakfast". She said leaving my room.

After a while i had finished eating, took a bath and now i am putting on my uniform.

But look how mi put on weight over the summer though God. People might all go think seh a false bottom mi have on. My bottom was never flat because my family on my mom's side literally full a shape and all a dem somn deh but now mi bottom get bigger with all the eating mi do over the summer. Have to go get two more uniform mek cause dem yah tight bad.

"Mi seh yuh put on weight over the holiday eno Ayesha.  I hope seh a just food give yuh all a dat deh bottom and anuh nothing else eno". Mommy said while observing me.

"Mi barely even leave the house over the holiday break mommy". I said while face palming.

"Well that a true and look pon mi so a the genes strong inna yuh". Mommy said while fanning me off.

Mek mi call dah likkle girl deh and see if she leave out.

"Why yah call mi phone suh early child?" She answered the video call and I could see that she's walking.

"Ashlee Bennett! Doh let mi tell yuh who a child yer". I rolled my eyes. "Anyways weh yuh deh now?" I asked while crossing the road.

Mi honestly fraid fi cross them road yer eno. The vehicle dem drive so fast pon dem road here.

"Mi soon reach inna port maria town". She said.

"Alright. Wait on me in the town". I informed her then hang up.

I don't know why but mi hate travel by myself.  Mi love company too much eno. But the thing is I don't keep a lot of friends. One real friend is good enough for me and Ashlee has been that friend for me since grade 7. Me? Love her bad.

"Yuh know seh mi always a pree yuh tho. Yuh pretty bad and yuh body strong".  I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice an Oracabessa High guy came over to me.

"Oh. Thanks". I know my reply is dry but he's clearly in grade 10.

That wid dem guys yah nowadays. Dem feel too big and prime.

"Suh mi can't get yuh number babes?". He asked with a smirk on his face.

Him nuh bad looking eno but mi can't talk to a guy that's younger than me cause dem too childish and irresponsible.

"Not interested in giving out my number at the moment ". I told him while checking the time.

"That wid unu Marymount girls eno. Uno gwaan too hype and act like uno betta dan people". He said while walking off.

Mek mi come gah school before mi get disrespectful yah mon.

"Mi think yuh did lost!! Look how long mi a wait pon yuh Ayesha and yuh know mi nuh like wait pon people". Ashlee roll her eyes when she saw me approaching her.

"Mi couldn't get nuh taxi girl. Why yuh suh miserable? Look how much time mi affi wait pon you a evening time ". I said giving back the same attitude.

"Mi hear seh we a get one new music teacher". She said while we enter the bus to go to highgate.

Uncontrollable  temptationsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon