chap 1✨

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the day was shining by the sun's rays and a male in Black clothes ..he walked to office while everyone bowed to him.

It sounds like the male in black clothes held a position of authority or respect as he walked to the office. The sun's rays added a touch of brightness to the day.

"Hey Minho wassup " a blond hair says

The said male turned to his friend calling him he stayed cold but not harsh he nodded "what hyunjin"

"So, this paper is left for you to sign here," Changbin who was beside hyunjin said to Minho, who was their boss.

Lee Minho, also known as the "Mafia King," was a man feared by many for his merciless and ruthless nature. He ruled over the criminal underworld with an iron fist, leaving no room for weakness or compassion. His reputation as a leader was built on his ability to eliminate any threats to his power without hesitation. Lee Minho's influence extended far and wide, with his criminal empire spanning across multiple cities and countries. His name struck fear into the hearts of both his enemies and his own subordinates, as he demanded absolute loyalty and obedience. Lee Minho's reign as the mafia king was marked by violence, manipulation, and a relentless pursuit of power.

Once upon a time, in a small, peaceful town, there lived three inseparable friends: Changbin, Minho, and Hyunjin. From the moment they could walk, they embarked on their journey through life together, sharing laughter, tears, and dreams. Every morning, they would gather at the crack of dawn, their backpacks slung over their shoulders, and walk hand in hand to school, their youthful spirits intertwining like a beautiful melody.

Their friendship was unbreakable, forged in the fires of childhood innocence. They were each other's pillars of strength, always there to lend a helping hand or wipe away a fallen tear. But fate, with its cruel sense of irony, had a different plan in store for them.One fateful day, tragedy struck Minho's life, shattering his world into a million irreparable pieces.

The news of his parents' untimely demise, caused by the very person they trusted, their own manager, sent shockwaves through the town. The once vibrant and cheerful Minho was now a mere shadow of his former self, consumed by grief and despair.Changbin and Hyunjin, witnessing their friend's heartbreak, felt their own hearts ache in sympathy. They tried their best to provide solace, to mend the shattered fragments of Minho's soul. But the pain ran too deep, and Minho's once radiant smile became a distant memory.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but the darkness that engulfed Minho's heart showed no signs of dissipating. Changbin and Hyunjin refused to give up on their friend, determined to bring back the light that had been extinguished.

They embarked on a mission to uncover the truth behind Minho's parents' tragic demise, their determination fueling their every step.As they delved deeper into the labyrinth of secrets, they discovered a web of lies and deceit that had torn their friend's life apart. The revelation sent shivers down their spines, their hearts pounding with a mix of sadness and fury.

They were no longer just friends; they had become warriors, fighting for justice and redemption.With every clue they unraveled, their bond grew stronger, intertwining their destinies like an unbreakable thread. The thrill of the chase mingled with the sorrow that weighed heavily on their hearts. They were on the verge of uncovering the truth, but at what cost?

Their journey had transformed from a simple walk to school into a treacherous path filled with danger and uncertainty. Yet, they pressed on, fueled by their unyielding friendship and the burning desire to bring justice to Minho's shattered world.

In the end, it was their unwavering loyalty and love that triumphed over the darkness that had consumed Minho's life. Together, they stood tall, their hearts mended and their spirits rekindled. The bond they shared, forged in the fires of childhood, had proven to be unbreakable, a beacon of hope in the face of despair.And so, the tale of

Changbin, Minho, and Hyunjin serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, friendship can be a guiding light, leading us back to the path of happiness and healing.

Their wealth and influence grow exponentially, and they are feared and respected by many. They have a network of loyal followers and associates who help them maintain their power and protect their interests.

As they become more powerful, they also become more ruthless and cunning. They eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their position and use their wealth and influence to manipulate people and situations to their advantage.Despite their success,

they are never satisfied and always crave more power and wealth. They continue to expand their empire and dominate the underworld and the normal world.

However, their success comes at a cost. They become isolated and paranoid, constantly looking over their shoulders and living in fear of betrayal. They also lose touch with their humanity and become consumed by their desire for power.

But then come two sunshines in their life
To brighten their dark world with their one smile ...


      So HEY 🍒



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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