Chapter 2

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Kate's POV

I woke up early so I can leave without anyone knowing. I looked for anything that looked valuable that I had. I found a couple gold necklaces and my favourite diamond watch that my dad bought me.
I shoved them into my bag and quietly walked down the stairs.
I made it to the door and someone spoke behind me.
"Where are you going?"
it was my brother
"I'm going for a walk I need some exercise so I'm fit for the surgery next week"
he just nodded and I left out the front door.
I wasn't old enough to drive so I took my bike. I kept looking at the store until I found the one I wanted. I walked in the front door and got to the counter. a older man greeted me.
"welcome to the jewellers how may I help you?"
" I have 4 gold necklaces and a real diamond watch rarely worn"
he searched the jewellery to see if it was real and when he realized it was he brought it to the back an came out with money.
" here you go, 1,300 dollars"
I said thank you and walked out to my bike.
Next stop the lawyers.
I started walking my bike down the street and I realized I missed breakfast so I stopped at a small diner for something to eat. there was a lot of people and no where to sit so I just looked for someone I could ask to sit with.
As I was scanning the diner I noticed someone stood up to leave. I started to walk to the table but i notice that so did a guy that looked around my age.
"were you going to sit here?" he asked
"yeah, but we can sit together because there's no other seats" a blush has crept on my face.
"ok, what's your name?" he asked as he sat down.
"Kate, what's yours?" I sat down aswell.
"Cameron" I don't know why I was still blushing.
"We'll Kate, how old are you?"
"I'm 17"
"So am I "
we contined to have our conversation. we ordered our food and pairs he offered to but I snuck my money in there. As we got up he stopped me from leaving.
"can I get your number?"
should I give him it? why not?
"sure here you go" I handed him a price of paper with my number on it.
we exchanged our goodbyes and I started to bike to the lawyers

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