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"I have something to tell you."

The ferris wheel suddenly stops, while we are at the top. People complain from below.

I stare at him. "Yeah?"

"I... uh. I don't want this to hurt our relationship. But, I really, really like you." He says nervously, looking at me with his big brown eyes, watching for my reaction.

"Oh, I like you too. You're a great friend."

He goes red. "No, but I mean more than just friends. Like, romantically." He sees the smile growing on my face and says, "Why are you smiling? I'm serious."

I laugh. "I've never seen you so nervous." A thought crosses my mind, and I decide to give in and go for it. I put my hand on his cheek, and lean in.

I'll be honest. I've imagined kissing Isaac a few times since I met him. But none of whatever that was beats this. It's an electrifying experience. His cologne, while not as strong as at the awards night, intoxicates me for a moment.  His lips are soft and sweet, fitting perfectly with mine.

We pull away, and he softly asks, "so what does that mean?"

"What do you think that kiss meant? I like you too!" I say. He smiles and hugs me.

From down below, someone calls out, "You guys good?"

Isaac leans forward and gives them a thumbs up. "Yeah, thank you!"

The ferris wheel starts moving again. Wait. A laugh escapes me. "Did you organize that?" He shrugs, but his smile betrays the answer. 

I smile. Isaac put that much work into this. He cares. I matter. It gives me a sense of elation, and I know I have to show him how important he is to me too.

After a few minutes, we reach the bottom, and get off. I see the food trucks, and I tap his arm. "Wanna get food before the concert?"

"Yeah, let's go." We get hotdogs, and sit down on a bench. He almost spills sauce on his shirt once, causing me to laugh. 

I catch him watching me a few times. "What?"

"I just love how my jacket looks on you." 

My face heats up. "I thought it was my jacket?"

He laughs. "My bad. I'd love to borrow it sometime, though."

"I'll think about it." I think my smile is permanent. We see Lee and the others heading into the auditorium, and decide to join them. 

Inside, we all hang out, having fun the whole concert. I personally scream my lungs out to the songs, leaving me with a raspy voice afterwards, which I'm not upset about. 

We leave, and I realize I haven't heard from Jackie in a while. I hope her interview went well. I call her while we walk around the park, only to find out that she's stranded on the road with Cole, who went to pick her up. She says that it's okay, that Will is coming. 

Shocked, I hang up and turn to Isaac. "She and Cole are stranded in a broken down car together."

He raises his eyebrows. "Together? Maybe something will happen." 

I look at him. "She won't cheat on Alex. She wouldn't."

"True. We've gotta keep waiting." 

I laugh. "Who's team are you on?" 

He shrugs. "I don't know, honestly." 

"Me too," I confess.

"Oh, I know. Team Isalina." 

A moment passes, and my mind is blank. "OH!" I get it. That took me way too long to understand. "Me too, me too," I giggle, and bump into him a little. The giggle unfortunately comes out like a cackle due to my voice, but he laughs. 

After another hour at the fair, we all get dropped home by Lee's friend's older brother. We come inside, and find Jackie, Cole, Alex, and Will just arriving, all with a smile on their faces. 

"What's up?" I ask suspiciously. 

"Lina, I've been talking to Haley, a-"

"Oh my god, are you back together?" I ask happily. Other than Jackie and Alex, this is the most excitement I can get in this place. 

"Well, yes."

"Awesome!" I say. I sense that Will has more to say. "Continue." 

"We're going to get married this summer. Jackie has already agreed to organizing it, and we were hoping you could give her a hand."

I give him a huge smile. "I'd love that! Thank you! Also, congratulations!!" 

"What happened to your voice, Lina?" Jackie asks.

"Oh, I got a bit too excited at the concert."

"Alex said it was boring," she says. I look at Alex. He shrugs and says it was.

"That's utterly disrespectful," I say, and simultaneously, Isaac says, "You just don't get it, Alex."

I laugh, and everyone starts laughing too. 

Everyone heads up to bed, and me and Jackie sit on our beds, talking about our day. She reveals everything  Cole and Alex told her about Paige, and my mouth is left hanging open. 

"So... what are you going to do?" I ask suddenly. 

She opens her mouth, and nothing comes out for a second. "I think I'm going to stay with Alex. Despite everything, he treats me right. Cole is really mean."

I notice her tone. It sounds like she's talking more of what she should do than what she wants to do. 

I decide to ask. "But, do you like Alex?" 

"...Yeah, I do. I do," she says. "He's really sweet." I'm not convinced. 

"Okay." I reply. We keep talking about our ideas for the wedding, and eventually fall asleep.


Author's Note

Hey guys here's the next part, after, like, three months 😝. I'll try and get around to posting the next chapter, which will either be the last or second last, and then maybe I'll write more when the second season of MLWTWB is released. Thank you to anyone still reading!!

El Niño Garcia {An Isaac Garcia FF]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें