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Jackie and Alex have been dating for a few weeks, and they're basically attached at the hip. I barely ever see them not together. But that's okay, she's happy, which is what matters.

There's a bonfire coming up, and I'm excited. I wear a warm jacket and Isaac, Nathan and I approach Cole's car just as he's about to leave.

"No, guys, come on," Cole whines. I climb into the back automatically, not paying attention to him. "Find another ride."

Nathan starts going off about him and Skylar, and I settle in, knowing that I'll just hide in the back seat if it comes down to it.

Isaac sits in the front and turns on the radio. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is my jam," he says.

"Okay, okay, fine." Cole gives up.

"Isaac, play a better song," I call out.

He turns to me with a gasp. "How dare you?" and laughs. "No, I'm playing this song." he turns back around. Alright.

Danny, Alex, and Jackie suddenly show up, wanting a ride too. "You can't be serious," Cole mutters. "Do any of you have friends?"

"Why do we need friends when we have you?" Danny responds.

"Not really," I chime in.

Isaac laughs, and through the rearview mirror I can see his smile fade when Danny comes to kick him out of the front seat and demote him to the back. He groans and starts to climb over two rows of seats to the back. "One day, I'll be the oldest, and you all can bite me."

Alex squints his eyes. "You won't be the oldest. That's not how age works."

"Shut the hell up," Isaac says, and falls on top of me. I suppress a giggle.

"Welcome back, princess." I greet cheerily. "I know you missed it back here."


A guy from my Math class, Caesar, comes up to me later at the bonfire and asks me if I want to be his partner for beer pong. I see Isaac and Grace being a team on the opposing side, so I agree.

After a few rounds, we have around four in, and stakes are getting high. Grace then gets one in, and reaches out to hug Isaac. As they hug, a twinge of jealousy sparks in my heart.

I hear Alex call out from behind me, "Jackie and I have next game, alright?"

Cole says to him, "Good luck this round, but I'm guessing next game goes to me." He sees Alex's face, and continues, "I was just talking about beer pong."

I get one in, and Caesar and I do a double high five, laughing and hold onto each other's hands for a moment. I turn to see Isaac watching us, his smile faltering for a moment.

"Just because you're jealous-" Alex starts.

Cole raises his eyebrows. "You think I'm jealous? Of you?"

Isaac throws and misses, and looks upset at it. Grace grabs his arm, smiling. He smiles at her, then looks at me.

It's Caesar's turn, and his throw is so bad I can't help but burst into laughter. I bend over in laughter, and he puts his arm on me to steady me, laughing as well. I stand up again, and hear Isaac mumble, "Come on, it's not that funny."

A few throws later, Isaac and Grace win, and they hug again. He spins her around too, making me roll my eyes before I can stop myself. Caesar ruffles my hair a bit. "We'll win next time, Brooklyn." Isaac scoffs, but Caesar smiles at me, and walks off.

"You know what, Cole? Why don't you just run back to Erin, or Paige, or Olivia?" Alex says loudly to Cole. Oh god. Olivia, as in Erin's best friend?

Isaac walks off, muttering something about getting a drink.

I suddenly see Alex punch Cole out of the corner of my eye. Cole falls onto a pile of wood. "Oh, shit." I blurt out.

Jackie runs up to Alex. "What are you doing?"

"Something I should've done a long time ago," he replies, staring at Cole with disgust. Jackie gets upset, says something about a girl named Paige, and storms off. Alex follows her, regret in his eyes.

Danny helps Cole up, and he calls everyone to tell them that it's time to go. I sit in the back, and Isaac sits beside me silently. Halfway home, he asks, "Why is he calling you Brooklyn?"

"It's a joke he made in math class, because of the Brooklyn bridge in New York."

"...Oh. I don't like him."


"I just have a bad feeling about him."


"He's too touchy." He asks.

"No he's not. You were more touchy with Grace." I counter.

"Come on, that's different."

"Is it?" I ask, acting surprised. "Enlighten me."

"What's going on?" Lee asks from beside me.

"Nothing," Isaac and I say at the same time.

There's silence in the car for a minute, as all conversations pause. Half the people in the car are upset.

"I just don't think he's a good person," he says grouchily.

"Why do you care?" I say, still upset at their hug. Even if it was platonic, it hurt, because as I've said, I love jumping to conclusions.

We're interrupted when we arrive back home. We all walk inside. Katherine sees Cole's bruised cheek. "Cole, what happened?" He keeps walking.

"Wait, what happened to your brother?" she asks us.

"I plead twin," Danny states.

Isaac chimes in, "I plead no snitching."

George walks in, and we all use the opportunity to walk away. I go into my room, and shut the door. I go straight to bed, trying not to think about anything.




I should've apologized or something, right? Isaac has become my best friend in this place. He's the only one who came to comfort me on Thanksgiving, and he said he wanted me to stay. Was that just friendship talking? I groan, rubbing my eyes. I turn to another position to try to sleep.

By the way, what is going on between Cole and Alex? I heard Grace say that they fought over Paige last year. Maybe that's what Isaac meant that day at the stables with Cole. Was the argument over that, or over Jackie?

Oh my goooddddd. I sigh. I need to sleep. I toss and turn until finally, I manage to doze off for a few hours.


Author's Note

Hey guys, sorry it's so late, I kind of hit a writing block and I've also been busy with school, but here's the next part! I'm still learning to write, and I kind of hate this, especially the bonfire bit, so I might edit it in the future, but here it is for now.

Thank you again to everyone who's read this far, and be sure to comment! I love reading them !!

El Niño Garcia {An Isaac Garcia FF]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora