⟡ 15) Reunited ⟡

Start from the beginning

"It's alright. As long as you're not hurt," I say, giving her a comforting smile.

"Aoi! I told you to not run off like that!" a woman who I assume to be her mother shouts before turning to me and grabbing both of my hands, bowing slightly. "I apologize for my daughter's rude behavior."

"Like I said, it's fine. I'd be excited too if someone told me I was getting ice cream," I say reassuringly.

"Thank you for understanding. Let's go, Aoi," the mother says, taking off with her daughter.

I watch the two of them walk away, my face falling into a frown.

"It kinda makes me sad," I say, walking away from the store that the mother and daughter came out of.

"What does?" Ranpo asks, walking up to my side.

"The fact that someone as young as her might be involved in dangerous business," I say.

"So, you noticed as well?" Ranpo asks.

"I can tell when someone tries to use an ability on me, and that little girl did. She probably didn't know about my ability but her mother knew so she decided to plant a tracking device in the cuff of my jacket sleeve," I explain, unraveling my sleeve to show said tracking device. I grabbed the device and smashed it in my hand, throwing away the pieces in a nearby trash can.

"I hope you realize that you're a lot smarter than you think," Ranpo says while placing his hand in mine once again.


My face begins to heat up so I turn my head away from him in hopes that he doesn't notice. "Maybe someday I'll be able to believe that. I'll keep trying though."

"That's all I can ask of you," he says, squeezing my hand a little tighter.


As we continue to walk, I notice that we're getting pretty close to the old train station. I try my best to remain calm and not rush over.

'I'm almost there. Just wait a little bit longer, Haru. I'll save you, I promise.'

Our plan was pretty simple. We had set up a distraction ahead of time that was set to go off as soon as we got close to the entrance. Once everyone's attention is averted, we'll sneak into one of the train cars to find out which one has Haru in it.

Within a few seconds, a smoke signal appears, grabbing the attention of the guards standing near the train and several of the bystanders. We used this confusion to sneak into one of the unguarded cars so they wouldn't see us coming. I stayed in the front in case they decided to use an ability. Ranpo was slightly against this idea on the slight chance that they decided to use guns instead. I reassured him that I'd be able to look through the door window to make sure if they had guns or not. Even if they had guns, I had a countermeasure for that.

As I'm approaching the door, I hear heavy footsteps getting louder and louder, indicating that someone was heading towards us.

'Did they figure us out already? Well, it doesn't really matter now.'

As soon as the person opened the door, I took out a smoke grenade that I brought with me and threw it inside. The sounds of several men coughing could be heard from inside. I handed Ranpo a cool handkerchief to keep over his mouth and nose while putting my own up to my nose.

With my free hand, I grabbed my hidden dagger and forced my way in through the semi-open door. I didn't use lethal gas, just something to throw them off guard. I used the butt of my dagger to knock out all of the men and began looking for my brother before hearing Ranpo's voice call out to me from the car ahead of me.

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